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  1. This paper attempted to probe into the issue of how to break the traditional "preachment type" of teaching by using the network, so as to change the teacher's role and students 'position and to fully embody the function of the learner cognition.
  2. The preachment, which resolves this conflict, lies in realizing accurately the concept of scale economy, realizing accurately the particularity of agriculture development, exploring development roads of agriculture diversification economy from the division angle.
  3. It was not just a simple transplanted model of the stereotypical preachment, but also was a retribution against the illusory concept of transformation.
  4. They share some common ideas about artistic creation, such as their mutual opposition to the Wordsworthian self-centered contemplation, and moral preachment, and their plausible common proposition for the absence of the identity of the poet or artist himself in poetic creation.
  5. For a long time, experience, preachment and even individual opinion have been wrongly set as the rules in the work, with the scientific factor being neglected.
  6. We should also strengthen the moral preachment for the government members, especially the credit moral.
  7. For long time, by relying on fixed place and tight organization system and adopting obvious moral education carrier with traditional preachment and instill face to face, colleges and universities moral education obtain the certain result.



  1. a sermon on a moral or religious topic

      Synonym:    homily