According to the air force, the missile merely impacted with the ground prematurely 根据空军提供的消息,导弹只是提前撞向了地面。
His hair was prematurely white, but his busy eyebrows were still jet-black. 他的头发已经白了,不过两道浓眉还是乌黑乌黑的。
And as the previous example shows, you can terminate a process prematurely with kill. 正如先前的示例所示,您可以用kill提前终止某个进程。
That causes your test to terminate prematurely, too, of course. 当然,那也将导致你的测试过早地终止。
The royal couple revealed the pregnancy prematurely because of Kate's hospitalization due to severe morning sickness. 这对皇室夫妇过早地透露怀孕喜讯是因为凯特严重晨吐的住院治疗。
To cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely. 使提前或突然发生使发生,尤指突然或过早地发生。
Even a tiny increase in the dose of medication can have serious effects& especially in babies born prematurely. 即使轻微的增加药物的剂量可能产生严重的后果,特别是对早产儿而言。
As we get older, most of us are in the state of sub-health prematurely. 年龄大了,大部分人都处于亚健康状态,我自己也不例外。
Just to make sure those apples don't become sauce prematurely. 我只是不想让你的苹果过早地变成苹果酱。
Later, when the trees shed down their fruits prematurely, the Prophet was told about that. 后来,这些棕榈树的果实由于早熟而脱落,这被告知了先知。
It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely. 这使得公司创始人和重要员工不需要通过转售公司也不必在尚未成熟的条件下匆忙上市来赚钱。
Without proper purification, physical or mental disorders can result from raising our creative forces prematurely. 不进行适当的净化,过早地提升我们的创造力会导致生理的或心理的紊乱。
If you act prematurely, not only does he walk. 如果你过早地行动,不只会让他逃脱。
Too much exercise may set a boy's muscles prematurely. 运动过多可能使孩子的肌肉过早僵化。
She went into labour and prematurely gave birth. 她临盆并早产了。
Releasing this profile prematurely can get people killed. 过早的发布这报告会导致人被杀。
Yeah, I think you're freaking out a little prematurely. 嗯,我想你有点紧张过度了。
Their love story may be immortal but they died prematurely. 他们的爱情可能不朽,但她们人都玩完了。
His frame bowed prematurely. 他的背过早地弯了。
Worry and illness had made him prematurely old. 他心事重重、疾病缠身,落得个未老先衰。
Two women, both fighting the toll of time, die prematurely. 两个女人,都在对抗岁月的流逝,却都提前死亡了。
The natal care unit at the University of Ontario is testing such a system to monitor babies born prematurely. 安大略大学的婴儿监护室正在测试这样的一套系统,以对早产儿进行监控。
His stressful job made him go prematurely grey. 紧张的工作使他的头发过早花白了。
Many persons frightened by the darkness move to the light prematurely. 很多人们因黑暗而恐惧,所以过早的移动进入光。
We're all aware that smoking often causes faces to wrinkle prematurely. 我们都知道,吸烟往往造成面部皱纹过早。
Method should prematurely cancel execution. 方法应在何时提前取消执行。
Fuses are notoriously unreliable, and grenadiers can die as their own bombs explode prematurely. 这种臭名昭著的导火线极不可靠,提早爆炸很可能令掷弹兵死在自己的***手里。