The situation in the capital forced them to maintain military preparedness. 首都的形势迫使他们时刻做好军事准备。
If one is prepared, one will be safe; if not, one will suffer.; Preparedness ensures security; unpreparedness invites disaster. 有备才能无患,无备必定吃亏。
Preparedness ensures success, and unpreparedness spells failure. 凡事预则立,不预则废。
The emergency preparedness community has already been cultivating the lessons learned from that tragic event. 应急准备圈已经从这一悲剧性事件中汲取了经验教训。
The technical basis for nuclear emergency response plan and preparedness is described. 描述了核应急计划与准备的技术基础。
Identify lessons learned important for strengthening preparedness and response for future pandemics and public health emergencies. 确定吸取的经验教训,以加强对今后可能发生的流感大流行以及其它突发公共卫生事件的防范和应对。
Trust fund for improving preparedness for conflict prevention and peacekeeping in africa; 加强非洲预防冲突和维持和平能力信托基金;
We must help develop comprehensive national preparedness plans, strengthen surveillance systems, and build laboratory networks. 我们必须帮助制定全面的国家防备计划、加强监测系统并建立实验室网络。
Personnel should be trained on fire prevention and emergency preparedness plans. 全体人员都须按照防火和紧急事故准备状态规划接受培训。
However, neighbouring countries are encouraged to reinforce their active surveillance and preparedness systems. 但鼓励邻国加强其积极的监测和防范系统。
Meeting on Marine Pollution Preparedness and response; 防备和应付海洋污染会议;
Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme 紧急应变和反应方案
Emergency preparedness and the disaster relief and rehabilitation response are also often examined. 也常常研究了紧急情况的准备工作、减灾和重建响应。
Effective control measures rely on prevention, preparedness and response. 有效的控制措施依靠预防、防备和应对活动。
Surveillance for preparedness and alert must be tailor-made and fine-tuned for dengue. 为防范和预警进行的监测必须针对登革热来制定和调整。
WHO's experience in working with Member States on pandemic influenza preparedness has highlighted areas that need greatest support. 世卫组织与会员国在防范大流行性流感合作方面的经验突出地显示了最需要支持的领域。
At this stage, it is important to maintain surveillance and update pandemic preparedness and response plans accordingly. 在这个阶段,重要的是要保持监测和更新大流行病的防备和应对计划。
Improving veterinary services, emergency preparedness plans and control campaigns including culling, vaccination and compensation. 改进兽医服务、应急防备计划和控制运动,包括扑杀、接种疫苗和补偿。
Most importantly, preparedness for a pandemic has strengthened national and international capacities in fundamental ways. 最重要的是,防范大流行从根本上加强了国家和国际能力。
They have worked very hard on pandemic preparedness planning, and we have new tools. 他们对致力于大流行的准备计划,我们有了新工具。
Many critical measures are under way, for enhanced preparedness and for mitigation of the health effects. 为了加强防范并减轻对健康的影响,正在开展许多关键性的措施。
Hundreds of health professionals worldwide have been trained in emergency preparedness. 世界各地有许多卫生专业人员接受了防灾应急培训。
This paper introduced the generation and background of emergency preparedness culture which is a special cultural shape. 该文介绍了作为一种特殊文化形态&应急准备文化的产生与背景。
What is the World Bank doing to help countries strengthen their health systems and develop pandemic preparedness plans? 世界银行在帮助各国加强医疗卫生系统和制定流行病准备计划方面在做些什么?
Another problem is a lack of coordination between government and foreign groups running disaster preparedness programmes, he added. 他还指出,另一个问题是政府和运行灾难预防项目的外国团体之间缺乏协调。
A site coordinator should have been designated to administer the fire prevention procedures and emergency preparedness plans. 工厂应指派一名作业场地统筹员负责处理有关防火程序和紧急事故准备状态规划的事务。
Including emergency preparedness and response requirements. 包括应急准备与响应要求方面的作用与职责;
Leading or supporting safety and disaster preparedness activities; 领导或支持安全性以及备灾活动;
Our activities include emergency preparedness, the provision of essential services, the prevention of outbreaks, and rehabilitation. 我们的活动包括应急准备、提供基本服务、防止疫情和康复。