
英 [prɪˈtɛndəz] 美 [priˈtɛndərz]

n.  (头衔的)觊觎者,冒充者


  1. N-COUNT (职位的)觊觎者,冒充者
    A pretender to a position is someone who claims the right to that position, and whose claim is disputed by others.
    1. ...the Comte de Paris, pretender to the French throne.


  1. For sheer wacky mass pop entertainment, Madonna proved herself more than equal to the challenge of all her young pretenders.
  2. But now the salt and pepper elite are facing competition from young pretenders who are paying to turn grey.
  3. The are pretenders among us.
  4. Which raises the possibility of a world full of pretenders: people who behave grown up every day at work, but deep down do not feel it.
  5. For all the talk in recent years about America's inevitable decline, all eyes are not now on Tokyo, Beijing, Brussels or Moscow-nor on any other pretenders to the world heavyweight crown.
  6. I do not sit with deceitful men, Nor will I go with pretenders.
  7. He proposes that this change apply only to marriages enacted after a new law takes effect, presumably because a retroactive change could lead to a queue of pretenders outside Buckingham Palace.
  8. But with so many pretenders around, it may be unwise to pay a premium for its shares.
  9. In a country that sees itself as a guardian of high culture, all pretenders to the presidency in2012 are expected to pick up their pens, publish or perish.
  10. During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Selmy had cut a bloody path through their ranks to slay the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders.
  11. And while it is not over yet, or even close to it, United asserted themselves when it mattered last night to cast their red shadow over all the pretenders to the throne.
  12. From Familial Interest to National Politics: An Exploration of the Core of the Ethical Conflict in The Pretenders
  13. They vie with one another, but, as a group, they compete with all the pretenders to their positions.
  14. Kublai Khan spent most of his reign expanding his domain and vanquishing pretenders to his throne& in the process, historians say, he laid the foundations of the modern Chinese state.
  15. At some stage, such young pretenders may start to erode the brand equity of the company that inspired them, but for now Septwolves appears safe.