Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel. 动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。
They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I'd like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century. 监狱需要招募更多的工作人员。但我想补充一点,很多监狱都是在19世纪建造的。
The country's prisons are filled with drug-takers, and cannot cope with the numbers 这个国家的监狱里挤满了瘾君子,都容纳不下了。
The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons 该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。
Prisons like Strangeways, built more than 100 years ago, were intended to look grim and foreboding places. 诸如斯特兰奇韦斯监狱之类建于100多年前的监狱故意营造出一种阴森、不祥的气氛。
The prisons are all full up. 各监狱人满为患。
British prisons remain disgracefully crowded and insanitary. 英国监狱仍然拥挤不堪,卫生条件恶劣。
The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living. 与其把钱花在监狱上,还不如用来培训初次犯罪者学习正当谋生的技能。
A more relaxed regime and regular work lends the inmates a dignity not seen in other prisons. 由于管理较为宽松而且经常从事劳动,这里的囚犯因此多了一份其他监狱的囚犯所没有的尊严感。
Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible 监狱只好拼命往里面塞犯人。
Staffing levels in prisons are too low. 监狱管理人员数量太少。
The United States has defended its policy of detaining juveniles in prisons in Iraq, and Afghanistan. 美国为在伊拉克和阿富汗境内关押青少年的政策辩护。
There's a lot of talk about what's wrong with prisons in America. 许多人在讨论美国监狱到底出了什么问题。
The prisons were full of people who had been arrested for much less reason. 监狱里关满了人,他们都是没有多少理由便被抓进去的。
National governments, policy-makers and prison management need to address gender insensitivity and social injustice in prisons. 各国政府、决策者和监狱管理层需要解决监狱中性别不敏感性和社会不公问题。
This law will help to reform the prisons. 这条法律将有助于改革监狱内的情况。
Mind control experiments have been part of California for decades and permeate mental institutions and prisons. 精神控制实验成为加州的一部分已经十年了,并且渗入到了精神病院和监狱中。
Last week we heard about the awful conditions which exist in British prisons. 上星期我们听说了英国监狱中的可怕情况。
In some government agencies, such as the police and prisons, the role of coercion is obvious. 在某些政府机构中,比如警察局和监狱,强制性是显而易见的。
Some soldiers have been held captive in the enemy's prisons for years. 有些士兵被敌人囚禁了许多年。
Posting peripheral armed guards at prisons and detention houses; 对监狱和看守所实施外围武装警戒;
They gave us special prisons. 他们却给我们一个特别囚犯。
The city has turned prisons and jails into a catchment for mentally ill people who get into trouble. 该市已经把监狱和拘留所变成了对遇到麻烦的精神病人的关押处。
Jails and prisons often find themselves unprepared to deal with the mentally ill. 拘留所和监狱常常感到他们自己还没有能力处理精神病犯人。
All the country's prisons are full to capacity. 全国所有的监狱都满了。
The SSI had not only withdrawn its own men, emptied its prisons and destroyed archives; 国家安全调查局的所有人员不仅撤退了,并且还清空了其监狱,毁灭了所有的档案;
Its leaders have been enraged by the transfer of their members to more secure prisons. 由于组织成员被移送到更安全的监狱,它的领导人被激怒了。
There is severe overcrowding in our prisons. 我们的监狱里过度拥挤的现象极其严重。
The prisons were without showers or recreational facilities. 监狱里不为犯人提供淋浴或娱乐设施。
A dozen committees have met and published recommendations to decongest prisons, curb arbitrary arrests and speed up trials. 据了解,一批大大小小的国家委员会进行了会晤并向外发布了一系列的建议,旨在减轻监狱的负担、控制任意的逮捕以及加速审判的过程。