The good grace with which they face the latest privations makes the mind boggle 他们面对最近的贫困所表现出的坦然令人难以理解。
The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance. 从他的外表来看可以明显看出修道院生活的清贫。
They suffered a lot of privations during the war. 战争时,他们的生活相当困苦。
Although poor, he had had the talent to form for himself, by dint of patience, privations, and time, a precious collection of rare copies of every sort. 虽然穷,他却有能力通过耐心、节约和时间来收藏许多各种类型的善本书。
All enjoyments for some, all privations for the rest, that is to say, for the people; privilege, exception, monopoly, feudalism, born from toil itself. 全部享受归于几个人,全部贫乏归于其余的人,就是说,归于人民;特权、例外、垄断、封建制都从劳动中产生。
Lacking adequate provision of fresh water, electricity, sanitation or health care, they suffer privations that all too often provide the tinder for the fires of social unrest. 他们无法获得足够的淡水、电力、卫生和保健,他们所受的困苦常常成为社会动乱的火种。
And therein lies their biggest problem, Steinfeld writes: their parents and grandparents want to live through them, counting on their only offspring to make up for the privations of decades. 斯坦菲尔德写道,这就带来了他们最大的问题:父母及祖父母把希望全寄托在他们身上,指望自己唯一的后代弥补数十年的艰辛。
I remember all the hardships and privations of that earlier day, and from that time until now my heart has been with the working class. 那时候的种种艰苦和匮乏我记忆犹新,从那时起直到现在,我的心一直始终和工人阶级在一起。
THIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their final haven. 这里不打算追述摩门教徒们最后定居以前在移民历程中所遭受的苦难情况。
His early privations have sunk deeply into his memory. 他早期的苦难生活一直深深地印在他的脑海里。
Indeed I have suffered from the inconveniences of my fortune as a poor man does from those of his privations. 实在的说,我拥有的一切给我带来麻烦,我为此遭受的痛苦和一个穷人因其贫困而遭受的痛苦是一样的。
She remembered the privations of her soul. 她想起她被剥夺的灵魂。
The food they use being little susceptible of storing up, they have no accumulation of it, and are often exposed to great privations. 他们的食物不易储藏,因而没有食物储备,常常极为缺乏生活必需品。
He had, as Thomas said, rather overdone the Lenten privations, and they had gone to his head like strong wine. 正如托马斯所说的那样,他执行四旬斋戒过于严格了。他就像喝了烈性酒一样。
Chinese often talk about their capacity to chi ku, or "eat bitterness", which helps explain their resilience amid the chaos and privations of the past century. 中国人经常说自己能“吃苦”,这让他们能够适应最近一百年的混乱与贫困。
The effect of the privations and sufferings which he endured at this time was discernible to the last in his temper and his department. 他在这时期所受的苦难,其影响所及,在他的性格举止之间暴露无遗。
Three times as many privations would be easily borne if it were not for the moral shock when one is first taken. 苦难即使再加两倍,也可以忍受,难以忍受的是初次被捕时精神上所受到的打击。
He says it "beareth all things". It covers its own privations so as not to become burdensome to others. 他说:“爱是凡事包容”,就是包容他人的缺点,不给别人增加压力。
The picture which she had then drawn of the privations of the approaching winter, had proved erroneous; 当时,她为即将到来的冬天描绘出一幅凄凄凉凉的景象,可结果证明她错了。
I drilled him as representing in turn all sorts of people out of luck and suffering dire privations and misfortune. 我训练他的方法是叫他轮流看代表各种各类的时运不济,受尽苦难的人。