As British Prime Minister David Cameron noted a few days ago, G-8 summits have a tendency to issue grand proclamations that end up leading nowhere. 正如英国首相戴维•卡梅伦前几天所说,G8峰会倾向于发表冠冕堂皇的宣言,最终却总是不了了之。
Just as fashionistas are continually, wrongly, declaring the death of couture, you should beware proclamations of the death of the art of letter-writing. 正如时尚人士持续地、不正当地宣判某种服装设计过时一样,你也应该关注对信件书写方式消亡的宣判。
Notice that the folks around you who appear to be boring to others just utter perfunctory proclamations to what others say, such as Wow, Really! Cool. 注意一下你周围貌似无聊的人,他们只是在敷衍性地说着、聊着,比如哇真的酷这些有的没的。
Persuasive proclamations of life being good: Im loving life right now. 认为人生美好的断言:我现在很热爱生活。
Proclamations that people need to be more active are ubiquitous in the media. 媒体上到处都是人们需要多运动的消息。
As a part of National Homeless Animals'Day, many governors and mayors sign proclamations written by ISAR. 作为“世界无家可归动物日”的一部分,许多地方长官和市长都会在ISAR的宣言上签名。
The term "official documents" in the first subparagraph of the preceding paragraph includes proclamations, text of speeches, news releases, and other documents prepared by civil servants in the course of carrying out their duties. 前项第一款所称公文,包括公务员于职务上草拟之文告、讲稿、新闻稿及其它文书。
We will incorporate the positive proclamations of this house and also the positive provisions of the1990 constitution into the interim constitution. 我们会在临时宪法中采纳当前议会所做的积极决议和1990年宪法中的积极条文。
The Great Seal is affixed to proclamations. 国玺加盖在公告上。
This is the flip side of "It's my life," and" You're not the boss of me," and other eloquent proclamations of your generation. 与此相反的说法有“我的生活就是这样”,“你又不是我的老板”,以及你们这一代人油嘴滑舌的其它说法。
In the90s most "cultural workers" made many proclamations which now they are very sorry for and want to forget about. 在90年代大部分“文化工作者”发表了很多宣言。现在他们很抱歉,并希望忘记。
They continued to issue proclamations to the whole country urging the most strenuous resistance. 他们仍继续向全国发布命令,号召作最奋勇的抵抗。
The Bidding Committee will promulgate proclamations one month prior to the bidding. 每次招标将由招标委员会提前一个月发布公告。
With the wisdom of hindsight, the irony in these proclamations is evident and the premature declaration of "mission accomplished" appears naive and even foolhardy. 事后看来,这些宣言具有明显的讽刺意味,过早宣布“完成使命”是天真甚至鲁莽的。
In the course of his efforts the ex-Christian began to agree with and acknowledge the proclamations of the Qur'an. 在这个过程中这个虔诚的基督徒开始赞同并接受古兰经所宣示的内容。
And yet, despite the pessimistic proclamations of Mr Ehrlich and many other pundits, economic growth and technological progress have come to the rescue over and over again. 许多像埃利希先生那样的专家已对前景表示悲观,尽管如此,经济增长和技术进步反复扮演着社会救援角色却是不争的事实。
It is there that the proclamations of the emperor and of the Imperial Guard to the army, brought from the island of Elba and dictated by Napoleon himself, were printed for the first time. 从前拿破仑在厄尔巴岛上亲自口授,继又带回大陆的诏书及《羽林军告军人书》便是在这个印刷局里第一次排印的。
Whether realistic or not, these proclamations underlie an ambition to have a strong domestic industry rather than importing capabilities from elsewhere. 无论现实与否,这些宣言凸显出,各国的野心是拥有一个强大的本土行业,而不是从它国进口基金管理能力。
It was the place whence proclamations were wont to be made, amidst an assemblage of the magistracy, with all the ceremonial that attended such public observances in those days. 当年,在地方官开会中间如果要发布什么公告,需要镇民都来出席聆听时,就在这里举行种种仪式。
The problem is that Apple contradicts many of his proclamations. 问题是,苹果与他的许多论断相矛盾。
This paper attempts to reveal the features of British political, economic and social development, in light with illustrations of the relevant proclamations and the then social background. 结合当时的社会背景解读相关文告,旨在揭示当时英国政治、经济和社会发展的某些特点。