A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen. 一小撮受过良好教育的精英分子从他们200万同胞的贫苦生活中获取利益。
He has profited by selling his holdings to other investors 他将自己的股票卖给其他投资者,从中获利。
The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family. 这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱。
So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little 到目前为止叛军都没有从法国同盟那里获得什么好处。
He wrote to say that he had read several new books and profited greatly from them. 他来信说读了不少新书,颇有心得云云。
You will be profited if you follow my advice. 照我的忠告去做,你会受益的。
Still, most enterprises adopted these tools very broadly and investors in these companies profited. 即便如此,大多数企业依然广泛地采用这些工具,这些公司的投资者也因此从中获利颇丰。
They profited by wagering against global financial giants and British banks, according to investors and public filings. 据投资者和公开报告称,做空跨国金融巨头和英国的银行让他们获利了。
Have you profited by the experience? 你是否已吸取这次经历的教训?
My school has long been enjoying a high reputation, and I have profited much from it. 我的学校久已享有盛誉了,我由它得益很多。
Hong Kong has profited greatly from being the gateway to China. 作为进入中国的门户,香港获得了巨大的利益。
They had profited by his misdeeds. 他们已从他的错误行为中捞到了好处。
She did well out of IE profited from the deal. 她在这笔交易中赚了许多钱。
When the personal computer was invented, the economy profited without upheaval. 个人电脑发明出来时,经济从中获益,而没有出现动荡。
And profited from her death. 而她却为这死了。
He obviously hasn't profited by his experiences. 他显然没有从他的经历中吸取教训。
They profited by putting their money in his business. 他们把钱投进他的生意里,从中得到好处。
Morgan Stanley profited from the collapse of the deal. 摩根士丹利从该CDO暴跌中赢利。
I certainly profited from the two years I spent in that company. 在该公司干过两年使我颇有收获。
They had profited by their experience with me. 他们从跟我打交道的经历中得益。
I profited enormously from working with her. 和她一起工作,我受益非浅。
In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects. 在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。
It nauseates me to think that he has profited from this. 想到他从中谋取利益我就感到厌恶。
It was part of the Don's greatness that he profited from everything. 这是一部分堂的伟大,他从每件事上获得利益。
We can go back to the failed energy policies that profited the oil companies but weakened our country. 我们可以回到过去使用那些养肥了石油公司却削弱了我们国家的失败能源政策。
But Yahoo has not profited from this growth. 但雅虎并未获益于这种增长。
I was grateful to him, and profited from his advice. 我感激他,并从他的忠告中受益。
The business profited from its exports. 那商店从它的出口得利。
I profited by his confusion to make my escape. 我趁他忙乱的时候逃走了。
Displays experience which and profited from ours once tosucceed. 发挥和借鉴我们曾经成功的经验。