
英 [prəʊˈdʒɛnɪtəz] 美 [proʊˈdʒɛnɪtərz]

n.  (人或动、植物等的)祖先,祖代; 创始人; 先驱


  1. N-COUNT 祖先
    A progenitor of someone is a direct ancestor of theirs.
    1. He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.
  2. N-COUNT 创始人;鼻祖
    The progenitor of an idea or invention is the person who first thought of it.
    1. ...Clive Sinclair, progenitor of the C5 electric car.


  1. JPA's progenitors will continue to thrive, but their raw use in business applications will probably diminish.
  2. Screen emulators typically don't include a status line at the bottom ( unlike their hardware progenitors) but can use the real estate found to the right of the prompt for dynamic feedback.
  3. One can refer to the first type as its parent and the others as progenitors.
  4. TestNG-Abbot may be the new kid on the testing block, but it inherits some very useful features from its progenitors.
  5. Yet the taste of the age, demanding whatever was elaborate in compositions of this kind, did not fail to extend its influence over our stern progenitors, who had cast behind them so many fashions which it might seem harder to dispense with.
  6. The discovery of cardiovascular-specific progenitors may hold promise for cardiac stem cell therapies, the researchers said.
  7. But the similarities between this superb Nintendo DS game and its'90s progenitors pretty much end there.
  8. Transplantation of stem cells or stem cell-derived progenitors has long been seen as a therapeutic solution to repair the damaged brain.
  9. The scientists are the first to purify the progenitors of neurons from adult patients and show that they behave like normal neurons outside the body.
  10. The Effect of Sonic Hedgehog on the Differentiation of Cochlear Neural Progenitors of Mice in Vitro
  11. The effects of testosterone on proliferation of granulocyte macrophage progenitors of LACAmouse bone marrow cells were investigated by using in vivo and in vitro agar culture.
  12. They make shift to live merely by conformity, practically as their fathers did, and are in no sense the progenitors of a noble race of men.
  13. Blood progenitors which arise from the Drosophila embryonic mesoderm differentiate into various hemocytes, and these processes are controlled by hematopoiesis regulating factors.
  14. It can be induced to proliferate directly into erythroid progenitors in a appropriate ex vivo culture condition, then to generate mature red blood cells after injection into the body.
  15. One group among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today took up a diurnal life, spread out into the trees, and made fruit an important part of their diet.
  16. The real problem I have with the Progenitors are the Reasearch Tree and Drones.
  17. The kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors.
  18. Although both cell types come from cells known as myeloid progenitors, each type relies on its own set of functionally active genes to carry out its particular role in fighting infection.
  19. The researchers also showed that the progenitors mature into neurons in Petri dishes.
  20. Abnormal gene promoter methylation contributes to deregulate gene expression of hematopoietic progenitors in myelodysplastic syndromes ( MDS).
  21. As pre-osteoblastic, peri-endothelial cells residing at the sinusoid wall, skeletal progenitors reconcile the notions of "osteoblastic" and "sinusoidal" niches with one another.
  22. Moreover, we show that the differentiation of bone marrow progenitors into DC cultured with conditioned supernatants from MSC was partly inhibited through the secretion of IL-6.
  23. Stem cells are defined as cells able to both extensively self-renew and differentiate into progenitors.
  24. O-2A progenitors could differentiate into type-2 astrocytes through longer period of proliferation than oligodendrocyte.
  25. Effects of rhIL-17 on Differentiation and Development of Murine Hematopoietic Progenitors and Human Cord Blood CD34+ Stem Cells
  26. Conclusion: IL-17 could promote DC derived from mouse bone marrow progenitors to mature.
  27. Objective To study the expansion and purification of human retinal progenitors cultured in vitro.
  28. The sequences were studied by genomic Southern hybridizations on a collection of polyploid wheats and their diploid progenitors.
  29. IBP is expressed in myeloid progenitors but down-regulated after induction of differentiation into macrophages, granulocytes, and erythrocytes.