COMB in ADJ-GRADED (和副词一起构成形容词)表示“成比例的”,“协调的”,“均衡的” -proportioned is added to adverbs to form adjectives that indicate that the size and shape of the different parts of something or someone are pleasing or useful.
The flat has high ceilings and well-proportioned rooms. 这套公寓天花板很高,各房间比例均衡。
...a perfectly-proportioned young woman. 身材非常匀称的年轻女子
The designs in the rug are well proportioned. 地毯上的图案很匀称。
PAF charts do not have a proportioned time scale. 点数图没有成比例的时间刻度。
The perfectly proportioned girl in clinging clothes caught everybody's eye. 那个十分匀称的女郎穿著贴身衣物逮获了大家的眼睛。
I don't know what I was expecting, but the photo of Heather, a Las Vegas "escort" with an impossibly proportioned body, was a shock. 我不知道我在预期什么,但希瑟的照片,拉斯维加斯“护送”,同一个不可思议的身材比例,是一个冲击。
The Revolution had many of these men, proportioned to the epoch. 革命时期有过许多那样的人,都和那时代相称。
It is made up foam vessel, proportioned equipment, water-entering pipe, liquid-out pipe and other control value. 由泡沫储液罐、比例混合器、进水管、出液管、及控制阀等部件组成。
All things are in place in that art, self-created, logical, and well proportioned. 这类艺术所保持的一切都存在于它本身,合乎逻辑而又自成比例。
There can be no group of buildings more harmonious, or more perfectly proportioned. 再没有比这一群建筑更调谐更匀称的了!
The standard of sculpting is excellent with well proportioned anatomy and realistic, natural-looking poses. 整套兵人雕刻水准很高,人物比例真实,姿态自然。
Alternately, OP1 can be used as a time proportioned relay output ( heat) OP2 the same ( cool) or an alarm. 另外,第一任择议定书可以用作时间比例继电器输出(热)和执行部分第2段相同(凉爽)或报警。
As we entered another very generously proportioned clubhouse, we were greeted warmly by a throng of smiling female staff, which also seems to be the norm for spoilt golfers in this part of the world. 当我们再次进入一个非常宽敞的会馆时,受到了一群微笑女员工的热烈欢迎。这似乎也是这里被惯坏的打高尔夫球者惯常受到的待遇。
For as the cause ought only to be proportioned to the effect, and the effect, so far as it falls under our cognizance, is not infinite; 原因应该只与结果成比例,并且就我们认识所及,结果并非无限;
The designs in that rug are well proportioned. 那地毯上的图案设计非常协调。
His correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build leads to the conclusion of great strength, agility and endurance. 比例匀称,肌肉结实紧凑,力量充沛,行动轻快敏捷,有很好的耐力。
They proportioned their rooms well. Make the room ready for the meeting. 他们把房间布置得相称协调。把房间布置好,准备开会用。
She was tall and perfectly proportioned. 她身材高挑且十分匀称。
For well proportioned Beauty, please try this product. 若想均衡美,请用本产品。
They proportioned their rooms well. 他们把房间布置得相称协调。
He proportioned his pace to the march. 他调整步子使之与行军的步伐一致。
These must be suitably proportioned to give the requisite degree of accuracy. 它们必须成适当的比例,以给出所要求的精确度。
The steam engine altered the proportioned of the globe. 蒸汽机变更了地球上的距离。
Her face was long with perfectly proportioned features. 她那长长的脸庞上五官非常匀称。
The accurately proportioned human and animal figures have fluid lines, natural expressions and life-like movements. Unlike the stories within foreign showbiz advertisement, they are very natural and flowing freely with clear logic relation. 三彩人物和动物的比例适度,形态自然,线条流畅,生动活泼。不像外国影视广告中的故事,很自然,很流畅,有顺理成章的逻辑关系。
The generously proportioned singer has to have all his garments specially made. 那个体态臃肿的歌唱家衣服不得不全都定做。
Balanced: A positive term describing a wine that flavour, acidity and dryness or sweetness are properly and harmoniously proportioned. 平衡:好的术语,描述了在葡萄酒中香味,酸度,干度或甜度的成分均匀而又和谐的体现。
An extremely little person who is otherwise normally proportioned. 侏儒一个非常矮但身体各部分比例正常的人。
She was well proportioned without being thin but had no blood in her cheeks and was not wearing any rouge, only face powder. 骨肉停匀,并不算瘦,就是脸上没有血色,也没擦胭脂,只傅了粉。
Acid and dilution water feeds are usually proportioned in a predetermined ratio and interlocked. 硫酸和稀释用水通常按预先确定的比例供给并相互连锁。
The relationships between the openings and the doorjambs were harmonically proportioned. 开口和门框之间的关系是和谐相称。
Canaletto: Italian painter noted for his detailed and precisely proportioned views of Venice. 卡纳莱托:意大利画家,以其对威尼斯精细且精确的描绘而出名。