
英 [ˈprɒpɪŋ] 美 [ˈprɑːpɪŋ]

v.  支撑


  1. VERB 架;搁;靠
    If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere.
    1. He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on the desk...
    2. He propped his bike against the bus.
    3. Prop up means the same as prop .
      prop up同prop
    4. Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him...
    5. If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.
  2. 支柱;撑棒;支撑物
    A prop is a stick or other object that you use to support something.
    1. N-COUNT 支持者;后盾;靠山
      To be a prop for a system, institution, or person means to be the main thing that keeps them strong or helps them survive.
      1. The army is one of the main props of the government...
      2. I had two props in my life; one was alcohol, the other work.
    2. N-COUNT (戏剧或电影中的)道具
      The props in a play or film are all the objects or pieces of furniture that are used in it.
      1. ...the backdrop and props for a stage show.
      2. ...stage props.
    3. (橄榄球争球时的)第一排边锋
      In rugby, a prop or prop forward is one of the two players who position themselves in the front row when a group called a scrum is formed.
      1. 同propeller
        A prop is the same as a propeller .


        1. It has used banks to promote industries and companies deemed important to the state, propping them up in times of trouble.
        2. The European Central Bank said on Sunday that it would not expand the emergency loan program that has been propping up Greek banks in recent weeks.
        3. After forcing myself to use only the touch screen on a Windows 8.1 laptop, I found myself propping it up at an angle in my lap so my hands could rest on the side.
        4. China's property prices fell for a third straight month in July, as demand wanes and lenders propping up the market pull back.
        5. Short-term interest rates fell to historic lows, propping up consumer spending, but also fuelling the housing bubble and sowing the seeds of today's upheaval.
        6. According to the article, Chinese workers deserve this honor for propping up not only the China's economy, but also the global economy, and at a time of economic crisis.
        7. But behind the scenes they are propping up the worst possible regimes like those in Myanmar, North Korea and Iran.
        8. Other gods are credited with acts of creation, primarily the act of propping apart the sky and the earth-gods who are said to have done this include indra, Varuna and vishnu.
        9. The innovative Shandong brings forward the new request for our original propping up mechanism.
        10. Past efforts have foundered as many countries have vested interests in providing lower-cost fuel to their citizens and industries, and in propping up sectors such as coal mining.
        11. You can usually find Jack propping up the bar at his local.
        12. The emergency response involved propping up big institutions and ramming through mergers; hardly a long-term solution to the problem of too big to fail.
        13. The nonpublic economy has developed vigorously, becoming a main force propping the national economy.
        14. Bankruptcy also beats the government's propping up the auto makers with hopes that the economy will improve.
        15. If you thought of the lethal interaction between banks and sovereign as two drunks in a pub propping each other up, the ECB has given them separate crutches.
        16. China has become an increasingly important driver of the gold price, with large purchases propping up prices late last year as western investors were selling.
        17. It will be a huge blow to Shanghai, to Hong Kong and indeed to China itself, if it repeats its past mistake of propping up the Shanghai Stock Exchange by restricting the listing options of Chinese entrepreneurs.
        18. If that occurs, we would face both currency upheaval and more bank turmoil, as investors lost confidence that the state can keep propping up the banks.
        19. Restructuring and Earnings Quality-an Empirical Study Based on Tunneling and Propping Perspective
        20. Instead of propping up each bank, and swamping the market with cash, we need to restructure and shrink the banking system, as a first step to a sustainable solution to this crisis.
        21. He worked with a hand propping his head, feeling his skull as a memento mori.
        22. His successors will have to complete a radical restructuring plan aimed at repaying the billions of dollars in taxpayers 'funds that are propping the company up.
        23. The utility model provides a cocoon-picking rack, comprising a rectangular frame, a foldable support, and a propping up line.
        24. Many younger Chinese must find it embarrassing that Beijing is propping up such an odious regime.
        25. Mr Obama is propping up banks, managing car firms, re-writing mortgage contracts and chasing white-collar criminals.
        26. Studies on Propping Behavior of Controlling Shareholders in Listed Company of Our Country
        27. The second threat is its role in propping up the eurozone.
        28. This grand programme is partly aimed at propping up the slowing economy with massive investment in housing, infrastructure and transport networks.
        29. Housing prices are still falling, but housing costs are propping up a key inflation index.