Austria prospered under Kreisky's chancellorship. 奥地利在克赖斯基任总理期间蓬勃发展。
As the country's economy prospered, it was bound to want a modern army. 随着经济的繁荣,这个国家肯定想要建立一支现代化军队。
His teams have always prospered in cup competitions. 他的队伍在杯赛上总是成绩不俗。
The elements were propitious, the country prospered and the people enjoyed peace. 风调雨顺,国泰民安。
The islands prospered under Roman rule. 它在罗马人的统治下逐渐繁荣起来。
So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian. 如此,这但以理当大流士王在位的时候,和波斯王居鲁士在位的时候,大享亨通。
The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. 约瑟住在他主人埃及人的家中,耶和华与他同在,他就百事顺利。
A few prospered, but many more did not. 一些人致富了,但更多的人没有。
The city also prospered as a major trading hub linking Eastern civilizations with Western ones. 这个城市作为连接东方和西方文明的主要贸易枢纽,也十分繁荣。
We studied abroad, we started businesses and many of us prospered in unprecedented ways. 我们开始到国外学习,开始创业,很多人通过前所未有的方式富裕了起来。
Scotland has prospered as part of a United Kingdom and could prosper as an independent country. 苏格兰作为英国的一部分实现了繁荣,作为一个独立国家也可实现繁荣。
But not all cheap eats have prospered. 但并不是所有的廉价食品生意都很兴隆。
Australia has prospered, despite being the land of "no worries". 澳大利亚实现了繁荣,尽管它是个“无忧无虑”的国家。
Both markets pose linguistic challenges for an Indian sector that has prospered using English as its medium. 印度IT业普遍使用英语作为媒介,这也为进入中日市场带来了语言上的挑战。
As the years passed, the Puritans and their neighbors prospered greatly. 经过一些年之后,清教徒与他们邻近的人有极繁荣的发展。
My father prospered perceptibly, as witness the garage, the Ford, the trips by train and steamship. 我的父亲明显地发达了,有了车库和福特车,坐火车和轮船出差。
But prospered upon the peace handed down by his father. 但是将父辈传下的国家在和平中壮大。
Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. 一个老妇人的三个儿子离开了家,在外发展,最后都发了财。
The island may have since prospered, but the original islanders did not. 也许该岛本来就可以兴旺的,只是原住民没能帮上忙。
It has prospered, while advanced countries floundered. 在发达国家苦苦挣扎之时,中国却蒸蒸日上。
Some pulled out, others prospered. 一些农户退出了,其余的则发财了。
Since the reform and opening up, China's growing soft drinks market, gradually prospered. 自改革开放以来,中国软饮料市场不断壮大,逐渐繁荣。
To treat a city as disposable once your business has prospered is equally wrong and even more short-sighted. 一旦你的商业发达了便对一个城市任意处置是同样错误的,甚至更加目光短浅。
Industries aided in this way have prospered. 享受这种资助的行业得到了蓬勃发展。
I hope you have prospered from your stay in this country. 希望你在这个国家逗留期间有所收获。
Yet the nation has grown and prospered, through a continual process of adaptation and compromise. 但是这个国家一直在通过不断的适应和折中蓬勃发展。
Plain-vanilla retail banks blew up while some black-box trading shops prospered. 当黑箱交易的商店兴旺的时候,普通的零售银行爆炸了(依据上文意思因当是破产了)。
Its end spells trouble for the many companies and countries, such as Brazil and Russia, that have prospered in the past decade from the sale of raw materials to China. 这个周期的结束,给许多企业和国家(如巴西和俄罗斯)带来了麻烦&它们在过去十年里因向中国出售原材料而经历了蓬勃发展。
Our country has prospered by various incentive systems. 我们的国家因各种不同的奖励制度而繁荣起来。