Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists 当然,结果是那群人中3/4是精神病学家。
Psychiatrists become too caught up in their theories to deal adequately with reality. 精神病专家太纠结于理论,无法很好地处理现实问题。
To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists 说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。
Psychiatrists initially train as doctors 精神病医生首先是作为医生接受培训的。
These folks love mysteries, which makes them great detectives, police officers and psychiatrists. 爱玩神秘的天蝎座人还适合干侦探、警察和精神病。
Mindful of such pitfalls, the Beth Israel psychiatrists have offered notes initially to only 10 percent of patients. 考虑到此类潜在的困难,以色列堂-女执事医疗中心的心理医生初步只向10%的患者提供了病历。
PSYCHIATRISTS diagnose, assess, treat and prevent human mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. 神经病科医师诊断、评估和预防人们心理、情绪和行为异常。
For this reason, psychiatrists must be extremely careful when exploring a hypnotic subject's past. 由于这样的原因,在探索被催眠者的过去时精神病医师们就必须小心翼翼。
Psychiatrists and general practitioners throughout the country have been trained to provide mental health care to people in the community. 全国精神病学家和全科执业医师已接受培训以便在社区向人民提供精神卫生保健。
Until now, many people involved in emergency response have viewed mental health and psychosocial well-being as the sole responsibility of psychiatrists and psychologists. 直到如今,参与紧急应对工作的许多人把精神卫生和心理社会健康视为专由精神病学家和心理学家承担的责任。
The mission of the IPS is to train and support psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to provide leadership and quality care to the most difficult to serve patients. IPS的使命,是培养和支持精神科医生和其他心理卫生专业人员提供领导和优质的服务是最困难的为患者服务。
This is a significant concern for psychiatrists and therapists, who often treat patients with depression and relationship issues and who can be particularly vulnerable to rejection. 这对精神病医生与治疗师来说是很重要的考虑,他们经常接待意志消沉的病人或有关系问题的病人,这些病人很容易因被拒绝而易受伤害。
After perceiving similarities in the experiences of people on LSD and people going through delirium tremens, the psychiatrists undertook a series of experiments. 在人们理解了服用LSD后的体验与经历震颤性谵妄的相似性后,精神病医师着手了一系列的实验。
If you are struggling with depression, you may have tried countless therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, energy healers, self-help books, and programs. 如果你正和抑郁做斗争,那么也许已经找了无数位医疗师、心理学家、精神病医师、精力治疗者、自助书籍和训练班。
How many psychiatrists does it take to change one light-bulb? 多少个天才才能换一个灯泡?
Study on the occupational stress and stress response in psychiatrists 精神科医师职业紧张和紧张反应的研究
Journalists in their turn recommended such people visiting psychiatrists. 而纪者建议这些人去看精神病医生。
And psychiatrists, you know they are multiplying all over the world. 还有精神病学家,你知道他们在世界各地不断增加。
August is so horrible that even dedicated psychiatrists abandon posts and patients for the entire month. 8月的天气实在可怕,就连恪尽职守的心理咨询医生这时也会整月地抛开自己的岗位和病人。
A: There were psychiatrists and psychologists from different parts of the world communicating through interpreters. 答:来自世界各地的精神科医生和心理医生通过口译员进行交流。
Most mainlanders who suffer from depression do not get proper treatment due to a lack of psychiatrists and public prejudice, mental health professionals said. 较早时,中国的精神病专家透露,由于缺乏精神病医生和公众的偏见,大部分患上抑郁症的内地人未能获得适当的治疗。
However, psychiatrists say the suicides cannot be explained as a simple consequence of labour conditions at Foxconn. 不过,精神病学家表示,不能将自杀原因简单归结为富士康的劳动条件。
Psychiatrists are prohibited from making use of such information for personal reasons, or financial or academic benefits. 精神科医师出于私人原因,或经济、学术利益使用这些信息,是被禁止的。
Two psychiatrists spent a total of36 hours talking to Anders Breivik as well as poring over his diaries and police interviews. 两名心理病专家总共花了36小时与AndersBreivik交谈,还研究了他的日记和警察访谈。
It is intended to help psychiatrists co-manage medical patients more effectively. 它的目的是帮助精神科医生合作医疗的患者更有效地管理。
Psychiatrists and mental-health personnel typically assume that the mental problems of the old are untreatable. 精神病医生和治疗人员是很典型的,他们认定老年人的精神病没法治。
Just a few years ago we thought that Freud, when he took the keys to the city of dreams away from the philosophers and poets, had given them once and for all to the psychologists and psychiatrists. 就在几年前,我们以为弗洛伊德从哲学家和诗人手上拿走了梦境世界的城门钥匙,并永远地将其交给了心理学家和神经病理学家。
First, are psychiatrists in clinical practice receiving more industry money than other specialists? 首先,精神科临床医师是否比其他专科的医生从工业界获得更多的钱?
Others believe it began with psychologists and psychiatrists who deal with how people think, feel and act. 另一些人则认为它出自与人们的思想,情感和行为打交道的心理学家和精神病医生。
In the other, psychiatrists in New York found evidence that antidepressant drugs significantly increased the risk that some children and adolescents would attempt or commit suicide. 另外一项是纽约的精神病医生发现抗抑郁药物明显增加了儿童和青少年采取自杀行为的风险。