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  1. Improving Drought Tolerance of Japonica Rice by BC Breeding and QTL Pyramiding
  2. Preliminary study on breeding hybrid rice by pyramiding brown planthopper resistance genes through molecular marker-assisted selection
  3. Genetic Analysis of Polygene Pyramiding in Intramuscular Fat Traits in Chicken
  4. Molecular Maker-Assisted Selection and Genetic Analysis of Wheat Stripe Rust Resistance Genes Pyramiding
  5. A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on our side gave Roosevelt success in his audacious military move.
  6. It could be concluded that gene pyramiding is an effective approach for the improvement of rice varieties with durable resistance to rice blast.
  7. The importance of a uniform genetic background for studying QTL, and the significance of pyramiding and interacting effects among different QTLs in rice breeding were discussed.
  8. The big money in pyramiding is made in the run between accumulation and distribution.
  9. A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy. The big money in pyramiding is made in the run between accumulation and distribution.
  10. Molecular Marker-assisted Selection and Pyramiding Breeding of Major QTLs for Cotton Fiber Length
  11. The temptation to continue pyramiding your position is strong as profits have now swelled to the point that you believe your account can stand any setback.
  12. Study on Pyramiding Effect of Polyembryony Genes in Goats
  13. Gene Pyramiding to Increase the Blast Resistance in Rice
  14. The subunit effects on quality traits was further affirmed by correspondence analysis of cultivar type and HMW-GS gene pyramiding manner.
  15. Among the different gene pyramiding lines, anyone inherent Xa-21 can demonstration quite good resistance on Bacterial Blight disease, it showed that the gene Xa-21 was good and efficient, in the later gene pyramiding we should select the one inherent Xa-21 first of all.
  16. MAS greatly enhances the opportunity for gene pyramiding and expedites the process of breeding for resistance.
  17. Application of gene pyramiding in selection of crop new varieties
  18. Selection& Analysis of Three Bacterial Blight Disease Resistance Genes Pyramiding Crossbreed in Rice
  19. Utilization of Molecular Cytogenetics Technology in Transferring and Pyramiding Useful Alien Genes into Common Wheat
  20. The Gs in gene pyramiding plants was also significantly higher than that of single transgenic and WT plants.
  21. Multigene pyramiding breeding technology centering on molecular marker-assisted selection could select genotypes of milk production traits in DNA level. It overcomes the disadvantage of low accuracy of conventional breeding technology, accelerates genetic progress and improves breeding efficiency.
  22. Identification of new resistance genes and their tightly linked molecular markers should enable diversification of the genetic basis of resistance, and marker-assisted selection and gene pyramiding are important methods to develop new cultivars with durable resistance.
  23. The efficiency of marker assisted gene pyramiding is closely related to the types of target gene and molecular marker.
  24. A superior hybrid should take advantages of both heterozygous and homozygous loci, pyramiding more heterozygous loci to maximize the genotypic value of elite loci.
  25. This also proved the feasibility of improving plant tolerance by transgenic pyramiding means, which is of great significance for cotton toleance appliance and theoretical research and provide excellent germplasm resources for the cultivation of new cotton varieties.
  26. So pyramiding of these two genes can further protected photosystem and mitigating the photoinhibition induced by salt stress.
  27. The analysis of drought tolerance at the physiological level and biochemical level were performed. The transgene pyramiding plants showed higher drought tolerance than single gene transgenic plants.
  28. This proved the feasibility of improving plant tolerance by transgenic pyramiding means and provided excellent germplasm resources for cultivating new salt-tolerant cotton varieties.



  1. a fraudulent business practice involving some form of pyramid scheme e.g., the chain of distribution is artificially expanded by an excessive number of distributors selling to other distributors at progressively higher wholesale prices until retail prices are unnecessarily inflated