
英 [reɪps] 美 [reɪps]

v.  强奸; 强暴
n.  强奸罪; 强奸案; 肆意损坏; 肆意糟蹋; 蹂躏; 油菜


  1. VERB 强奸;强暴
    If someone is raped, they are forced to have sex, usually by violence or threats of violence.
    1. A young woman was brutally raped in her own home...
  2. N-VAR 强奸罪
    Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex.
    1. Her party opposes abortion, except in cases of rape or incest...
    2. Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.
  3. N-SING 破坏;损坏
    The rape of an area or of a country is the destruction or spoiling of it.
    1. As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water.
  4. 芸苔;油菜
    Rape is a plant with yellow flowers which is grown as a crop. Its seeds are crushed to make cooking oil.
    1. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 oilseed rape

    2. See also: date rape gang rape oilseed rape


    1. Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.
    2. I opened handwritten, eye-witness accounts of summary trials and executions, of kidnappings and rapes.
    3. To prevent rapes, some refugee camps have introduced solar stoves so that the women don't have to go out and collect firewood any more.
    4. Since the Delhi incident, several cases have been highlighted of authorities failing to respond to reported rapes.
    5. There're also one or two rapes on campus every semester.
    6. Rapes of Indian women and foreign visitors have dented India's reputation abroad, tarnishing the image of the South Asian nation as a tourist destination.
    7. Earlier this month a feudal leader said child marriage should be encouraged to halt an increase in rapes.
    8. Such veneration of women may surprise foreign observers of India, considering the recent epidemic of rapes there and publicity about the everyday harassment that Indian women face ─ lewd gestures, catcalls, groping and worse.
    9. The man who had committed several rapes was arrested.
    10. I thought the movie about a serial killer who rapes and mutilates his victims would be a good choice.
    11. The country formerly called Zaire has faced international pressure to stop an epidemic of rapes.
    12. The film is a vivid presentation of the war with some particularly grim sequences which include torture, shooting battles, bombings, brutal rapes and the destruction of a Catholic church during Mass.
    13. How many black males were involved in the horrendous rapes, murders and torture in Iraq and Afghanistan?
    14. Somebody rapes her, he's a dead dog.
    15. Violent crimes such as murders, arsons, rapes and kidnappings dropped as much as4.3 percent.
    16. The Government has overhauled the sex laws and changed the definition of consent in rapes cases in the hope that it will increased the conviction rate.
    17. Lamb just arrested him for the rapes on campus.
    18. Within a month after the Japanese troops occupied Nanjing, they committed over 20,000 rapes.
    19. Putative witnesses later said they had inferred the rapes from noises in the dark.
    20. The officers brought in a music system and listened to pop music, and smoked and danced during the rapes.
    21. Phytoavailability and Speciation of Cd in Contaminated Soil After Repeated Croppings of Oilseed Rapes and Amended with Compost
    22. After a particularly shocking series of rapes by Nepalese blue-helmets in Congo in2003, Kofi Annan, then UN secretary-general, set up a committee of inquiry.
    23. With a story implying the rapes might have been faked.
    24. And he told the Security Council that he would continue investigating evidence of mass rapes by pro-Gaddafi forces as well as allegations of crimes committed by both Nato forces and rebel leaders.
    25. Effects of Different Glucosinolate Traits on MDA Content and Related Enzyme Activities of Rapes
    26. The oxalic acid-decomposing bacterium U-1 was isolated from rapes rhizosphere sample collected in a field that mildly suffered from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum all the year round.
    27. The number of rapes reported has been increasing, particularly in the border area, but the number of prosecutions has remained insignificant.
    28. Chen later surrendered to police, pending trial on his criminal role not only in the PAI case but also for the kidnapping of a Peitou businessman, numerous rapes and oct.23 plastic surgery clinic triple murder.