
n.  实现; 认识,领会




  1. Now there is a dawning realisation that drastic action is necessary.
  2. There is also a realisation that Libya is merely the end point of the problem.
  3. The residents relented eventually, perhaps with the creeping realisation that the days of making easy money are over.
  4. So don't be angry and don't feel at a loss, this is a great realisation.
  5. This is the pre-condition to the successful SOA realisation.
  6. In the same manner there is ugliness in the distorted expression of beauty in our life and in our art which comes from our imperfect realisation of Truth.
  7. Thus each individual man is the realisation of a certain conception which dwells in the divine understanding.
  8. Yet they and Mr Obama in particular have come late to this realisation.
  9. The realisation of this growth potential will depend, however, on how aggregate demand is managed.
  10. The realisation that it can be much better than you are used to is creating demands for changes, which will bring you what you desire.
  11. As people live longer there is a realisation that they can't afford a 30-year retirement.
  12. But eventually the realisation will have to come that they have to liquidate at prices the market can bear.
  13. This realisation happens with the disappearance or evaporation of ego and one experiences oneness with the universe.
  14. Some Gentoo users have come to a realisation that the time-consuming compiling of software packages brings only marginal speed and optimisation benefits.
  15. Teletraffic Analysis and Forecasting Research and System Realisation
  16. How far is the view justified that China should have done more, towards a greater realisation of, in particular, civil and political rights?
  17. The IMF, a bastion of tough love austerity, has come to this important realisation.
  18. One practical step towards the realisation of this goal.
  19. There is quite an extensive process to participate in, in terms of the realisation of yourself, that you are not the mind;
  20. Letting go is not to cut myself off; it's the realisation I can't control another.
  21. After a lot of deliberation and bouncing of ideas, we came to the realisation that all he wanted was to feel like a new person and to live each day with joy and energy.
  22. Poor infrastructure threatens export performance and in turn prevent full realisation of our growth potential.
  23. It is to be a journey of much excitement and discovery, when at long last you come to the true realisation of who you are.
  24. A new realisation has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational.
  25. Any reconstruction plan should include the realisation that nature cannot be tamed, Mr toda says.
  26. A rally in Asian stock markets resulting from stimulus in the US and elsewhere may well accelerate this realisation.
  27. Design analysis and realisation of Laval nozzle for laser cutting
  28. I do not think that consumer market is complex; the realisation of such market is complex.
  29. It is a tremendous realisation, this fact.
  30. The goal of technology transfer activities is to transfer product and process knowledge between development and manufacturing, and within or between manufacturing sites to achieve product realisation.



  1. something that is made real or concrete
    1. the victory was the realization of a whole year's work

    Synonym:    realizationfruition

  2. making real or giving the appearance of reality

      Synonym:    realizationactualizationactualisation

    1. the completion or enrichment of a piece of music left sparsely notated by a composer

        Synonym:    realization

      1. a sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained

          Synonym:    realization

        1. coming to understand something clearly and distinctly
          1. a growing realization of the risk involved
          2. a sudden recognition of the problem he faced
          3. increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases

          Synonym:    realizationrecognition

        2. a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

            Synonym:    realization