
英 [ˌriːəˈʃʊərənsɪz] 美 [ˌriəˈʃɜrənsɪz]

n.  (能消除疑虑等的)肯定; 能消除疑虑的说话(或行动); 保证


  1. N-UNCOUNT 安慰;慰藉
    If someone needs reassurance, they are very worried and need someone to help them stop worrying by saying kind or helpful things.
    1. She needed reassurance that she belonged somewhere...
    2. 'You really won't tell?' she asked, begging for reassurance.
  2. N-COUNT 安慰(的话语);保证
    Reassurances are things that you say to help people stop worrying about something.
    1. ...reassurances that pesticides are not harmful.


  1. Most Conservative MPs appear happy with the government's reassurances.
  2. In the other direction, the US gave reassurances to China about the stability of its huge investment in US financial assets through its foreign exchange reserves.
  3. It was heartbreaking and terrifying to have lost the person we loved most and then to be set adrift. Months passed and it felt like our relatives could offer no reassurances.
  4. But her reassurances clash with a widely held public understanding of a pandemic as the spread of a serious infectious disease.
  5. India recently experienced a mini-run on ICICI Bank, the country's second-largest lender, despite official reassurances that it was well capitalised.
  6. Japan and South Korea, in particular, have sought reassurances that their security will not be compromised.
  7. A group of senior academics has called for reassurances from the UK government that it will respect the independence and freedom of its scientific advisers.
  8. Sun says China is concerned about the developments of the past two months and wants reassurances from the United States that its investments there are safe.
  9. Air Force Major General Ma Jian also made reassurances that all of China's nuclear facilities in the area are safe.
  10. European investors may be seeking reassurances.
  11. The Polish and Czech governments voiced no immediate concern, amid US reassurances that it would later deploy land-based defence systems in Eastern Europe.
  12. They will be anxious to receive reassurances from established members.
  13. The government's reassurances have done nothing to quell the doubts of the public.
  14. He gave reassurances that the Secretariat would support the Government in seeking implementation assistance as needed and in line with the needs assessment report.
  15. He rang up another comforter, seeking the same reassurances.
  16. They left the lecture with my objective assessment of the situation and reassurances that things will only improve with time.
  17. We have had some reassurances from the council that the building will be saved.
  18. Such reassurances are not enough to ally the concerns of US politicians such as Mike Coffman, a congressman who has pushed for new legislation to minimise American dependence on foreign supplies of obscure metals.
  19. As such, Mr Goodlatte deals with issues of deep concern to technology companies, who want more skilled engineers, an improved patent system, and reassurances that US intelligence agents are not hacking into their data centres.
  20. Despite US governmental rebuttals of the downgrading, and the Federal Reserve's reassurances, the move is still likely to bring new challenges to the US's already sluggish economic recovery.