
英 [rɪˈsiːdz] 美 [rɪˈsiːdz]

v.  逐渐远离; 渐渐远去; 逐渐减弱; 慢慢变小; (头顶前部)头发停止生长,变秃


  1. VERB 退回;后退;远离
    If something recedes from you, it moves away.
    1. Luke's footsteps receded into the night...
    2. As she receded he waved goodbye.
    3. ...the receding lights of the car.
  2. VERB (质量)下降;(问题或疾病等)逐渐减弱,好转
    When something such as a quality, problem, or illness recedes, it becomes weaker, smaller, or less intense.
    1. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede...
    2. Dealers grew concerned over the sliding dollar and receding prospects for economic recovery.
  3. VERB (前额的头发)脱落
    If a man's hair starts to recede, it no longer grows on the front of his head.
    1. ...a youngish man with dark hair just beginning to recede...
    2. The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline.
  4. VERB (常指牙龈因为感染)萎缩
    If your gums start to recede, they begin to cover less of your teeth, usually as the result of an infection.
    1. If untreated, the gums recede, become swollen and bleed...
    2. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.


  1. Add a picture, and the impact of the name recedes.
  2. From early morning until dusk, the soul-savers work to extract creatures that have become stranded as the river, which is fed by snow-draped mountains, recedes in summer.
  3. And in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Vice President Biden told family members that as their pain recedes, he hopes they find comfort in recalling the smile, the laugh and the touch of their loved ones.
  4. That recedes as you approach it.
  5. For this reason the near point gradually recedes as one grows older.
  6. As a companion star orbits its primary, it alternately approaches and recedes from the Earth.
  7. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us.
  8. As the water recedes, the strong suction of debris being pulled into large populated areas can further cause injuries.
  9. 1st, in2008 the Chinese economy recedes, is anticipated within the matter moderately, arises suddenly the factor by no means.
  10. As the level of fear recedes, stock market values will rise.
  11. Magazines once the size of phone books are now pamphlet-thin as advertising recedes and consumers decamp to the blogosphere.
  12. Now, as the ice they all once trod recedes at an alarming rate, the Arctic poses a set of questions that ultimately extend well beyond exploration and commerce to the question of our continued existence.
  13. Immortal Tantalus, having committed unspeakable crimes and having stolen food from the gods, sits in a pool of crystal clear water that recedes from him each time bends to drink.
  14. Officials have indicated they do plan to raise domestic energy prices, but are reluctant to do so until inflation recedes.
  15. People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them.
  16. When it recedes, the atmosphere condenses again to form a new coating of ice just a millimeter thick.
  17. As flooding recedes, the terraces trap varying degrees of water according to their elevation and scouring by turbulence.
  18. As the financial crisis recedes, one of the most striking features of the global economy is the way that China has actually stepped up its engagement with the rest of the developing world.
  19. Turnover swiftly recedes unless ( as is generally the case for Chinese companies in Hong Kong and Singapore) there is sufficient scale to justify analyst coverage and retail interest.
  20. That seems to be the default reaction this time, as Sony has tried to bind in PSN users by offering free premium services, while hoping that the risk of credit card fraud recedes.
  21. Joan is afraid so she recedes herself.
  22. As global liquidity recedes, volatility is increasing and activity falling. The effect on the real economy will soon be felt, said Mr Carney, who is also governor of the Bank of Canada.
  23. Once falling asleep, we would be free from thinking about the stress any longer and everything recedes to temporary tranquility, so when we wake up, the stress is not that strong anymore.
  24. I think we all recognise that we need to act before the memory of the crisis fades and before the impetus for reform recedes.
  25. Most everything in the middle, what is not a first kiss or a funeral, recedes into a blur.
  26. Yet as the market for online advertising recedes, groups are turning to microtransactions to support their sites.
  27. When a fast ball lands short of you, you have to play back. As a companion star orbits its primary, it alternately approaches and recedes from the Earth.
  28. As the political mood turns poisonous and the prospect of growth recedes further, this is not a decision that can be postponed for long.
  29. For one thing, there is some evidence that if you smoke while young and can quit before you die of a heart attack, your risk of heart disease rapidly recedes.
  30. The treatment of thalamic hemorrhage should be in time and have adequate dehydrating therapy till cerebral edema recedes.