Switzerland is also one of the top garbage recyclers in the world ( 66% to 96% recyclable materials recycled). 瑞士也是世界上为垃圾回收作出巨大贡献的国家之一(66%至96%的可循环再用的材料均被重复利用)。
Techforward, a Los Angeles-based financial-services company that works with electronics recyclers, lets consumers lock in a trade-in value for their devices. 洛杉矶金融服务公司Techforward与电子产品回收公司联合推出了一个服务,用户通过服务来可以锁定所购买电子设备的折价价值。
"People could hardly connect the piano-a symbol of elegance and nobility-with waste recyclers, who are always thought of as dirty and messy," she said. 人们很难将象征高贵优雅的钢琴与拾荒者联系起来。人们总是认为拾荒者脏兮兮的。她说。
Shanghai wants to regulate the recyclers, and even issue them with uniforms. 上海希望规范废品回收者的行为,甚至想给他们发制服。
Desperate people travel for hours on foot to scrounge through the garbage daily to find scrap metal or bottles they can sell to recyclers or garments and toys they can repair and sell in a market. 贫困的人们每天步行数小时,到垃圾场搜集废金属卖给废品回收站,修补从垃圾场里捡来的破旧衣物和玩具并送到集市上卖。
Most recyclers specialise in specific wastes, such as plastics, glass or tyres, but oakside scoops up everything from oily rags to spent batteries, allowing clients to off-load environmental compliance at one stroke. 多数回收公司专门回收塑料、玻璃或轮胎等特定废物,而该公司业务却涵盖了从油布到废旧电池等所有废物,这让客户能够一举卸下环保合规责任。
Maybe we should learn from nature and become better recyclers& if we throw away too much we may be throwing away our future. 或许我们应当向大自然学习,更好地做到资源的重复利用,如果我们抛弃太多的东西,实际上可能就是抛弃自己的未来。
Then, pricing models for each recycling mode in vehicle closed-loop supply chain is analyzed in detail, derives the optimal decisions and profits of manufacturers/ retailers/ third-party recyclers under different recycling modes. 然后,对每种回收模式下的汽车闭环供应链定价模型进行了详细分析,求出每种回收模式下制造商、零售商及第三方回收商的最优决策及各自所获得的利润。