
英 [rɪˈfjuːtɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈfjuːtɪŋ]

v.  驳斥; 批驳; 反驳; 否认


  1. VERB 驳倒,驳斥,批驳(观点、指责或理论)
    If you refute an argument, accusation, or theory, you prove that it is wrong or untrue.
    1. It was the kind of rumour that it is impossible to refute.
  2. VERB 否认(论点或指责)
    If you refute an argument or accusation, you say that it is not true.
    1. Isabelle is quick to refute any suggestion of intellectual snobbery.


  1. The man who got Republicans to sign the no-new-tax pledge is refuting claims that some members of the GOP may be breaking ranks.
  2. But we will learn something by refuting this conjecture.
  3. Davidson's omniscient interpreter argument ( OIA) is a transcendental argument as a kind of method refuting skepticism.
  4. The Beijing-based China Soong Ching Ling Foundation ( CSCLF) has issued a statement refuting any managerial ties with local charity groups using the same name, Xinhua reported.
  5. The plaintiff or third party, during the course of procedure, submits refuting causes or evidence not submitted during enforcement of the administrative action by the defendant.
  6. The main contents of the book Shi Ji Zhi Yi include collating scripts, examining historical facts, recording and dispelling doubts, refuting wrong interpretations, and commenting on the content and methods of constructing the text.
  7. He says that from, now on, the company intends to be more vocal in refuting what it sees as unfair allegations.
  8. Beijing's health authorities announced on Sunday that there has been no outbreak of cholera in the city, refuting rumors spread by cell phone text messages.
  9. In continuation, I will list these preconceived obstacles, try to explain their origins and give good arguments in refuting them.
  10. Discussions on a Hotspot in the Prevention and Control of AIDS& Refuting the legalization of prostitution from bio-ethical perspectives
  11. Give the masses a free hand in refuting the Rightists 'big-character posters.
  12. Often see public opinion refuting foreign festival and prevailing when at home, assault Chinas native traditional culture.
  13. Furious, the husband phoned the supermarket in the expectation of refuting his wife. He asked to speak to the vice-president in charge of prunes.
  14. Along the way of creating problem situation, guessing, testifying, refuting, re-guessing and re-testifying, a case of explorative teaching on a basic theorem of transformation group is given.
  15. Refuting is a thinking course to confirm a thesis false or reasonings untenable.
  16. Though Popper's critical reason is full of mistakes in refuting the historicism, he can still be regarded as an influential historical philosopher.
  17. This paper focuses on refuting such an idea through analyses of philosophy, religion and connection.
  18. Philosophy realizes its purpose of changing the world by refuting practice, and moves with the times by self-criticism.
  19. By refuting the existence of 'Heaven' in the direction of consciousness, he makes it necessary to make a clear distinction between heaven and human, but this cognitive objective should be realized in the process of the dynamical unity of heaven and human.
  20. By refuting the view that national compensation of crime victims should not be established, the paper puts emphasis on the necessity and feasibility of this system.
  21. Atheism Refuting God's Existence
  22. He argues that all theories are kinds of "hypothesis" that can be improved only through refuting.
  23. This letter is a typical refuting and argument article in the history of classic literature of our country and is worth reading and using for reference.
  24. Discussing atheism's history and its refuting God's existence is very significant to strengthen atheism's education.
  25. So Chinese should not adopt the system of refuting proceedings 'agreement in the criminal suit.
  26. And then, this essay analyzes the mechanism of refuting rumors.
  27. Analyze and compare differences about owners and contractors in claims management. The claim management of owners focuses on preventing and refuting the claims of the contractors 'claims.
  28. Through the study of this topic, refuting the views of some people that think "Lu Xun is outdated".
  29. The current real estate development enterprise customer relationship management resistance to the analysis, refuting the real estate development enterprises on the implementation of customer relationship management of some misunderstanding. On the data warehouse and data mining have been studied.