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  1. Part ii, the animadversion to Hanwu emperor's regnant policy at Salt-iron conference.
  2. FBS has always held the regnant place of the railway signals system, but can decreasingly meet the demands of the speed raising and the transportation density augmenting, and adapts weakly to the style of trains and the environment.
  3. By recounting the phylogeny of publication, the author puts forward that the main publication in 21 st century are electronic network and printing publication. Printing still holds the regnant station.
  4. Giving philosophy reflection to the currently existential epistemology of regnant teaching theories over again, trying to take apart the epistemology rupture, and walking out of the Plato hole& are the teaching theories based on epistemology.
  5. IT is two historical subjects on the Party's instruction, in new era to improve its leader ability, regnant level and resistant to depravity its determinant to our country and the Party's future and fortune whether we effectively solve the two subjects.
  6. Finally, we should also see that Yuan Dynasty regnant by Mongolia race had a differential culture condition and this influenced producing and receiving of The Romance of Western Side deeply.
  7. Capitalist private ownership engenders human dissimilation to object, which makes money become the regnant power of society.
  8. Any regnant validity can't only depend on mightiness artifice, what more important is it must gain the most social member's belief and sustain that based on incanted will.
  9. In the stage of anti-Japan War, Japanese occupied most cities and main stems of Shandong, and brought it into the regnant area of East of China.
  10. The basic principles of the social insurance law are the basic criterion of the corresponding legislative and judicial conducts and play a regnant role in the social insurance law.
  11. But on the other hand, it has become regnant rationality, it not only leads to the alienation of human relations, and led to the deterioration of relations between human and nature, but also has brought ecological crisis and the alienation of people themselves.
  12. Combining with demand of the western exploitation, a way of unpolluted productivity should be carved and green foods exploited, sustainable development of agriculture promoted in Shaanxi Province, i.e. taking a full advantage of natural resources and developing a distinctive and regnant agriculture.
  13. It serves for regnant class. Although influenced by western science, absorbed some advanced mapping technique, the status of character in the whole chorography has not been reduced and the statement of character to map has also not been weakened.
  14. As a tool of social administration, prison, especially modern prison is now more than a violent tool in class regnant.
  15. In the early Han Dynasty, for renewing the production, the ruler claims governing by doing nothing in politics, Huang-lao thought becomes the official and regnant thought.
  16. A place as the aggregation of resource, information, personnel, capital and other factors of development, in order to highlight the advantage of competition, it must take strategy as guide and take brand as flag, as well as have its regnant brand cluster.



  1. exercising power or authority

      Synonym:    reigningruling