Voluntarily relinquishes its time slice by making a call to Thread. yield(). 通过调用Thread.yield()方法自愿放弃它的时间片。
A dispatched thread with an RT priority is allowed to execute until it blocks, voluntarily relinquishes control by yielding, or is preempted by a thread with a higher RT priority. 具有RT优先级的调度线程可以一直执行直至阻塞,通过让步自愿放弃控制权,或被具有更高RT优先级的线程抢占。
She relinquishes him to a partner more appropriate. 结果是,她抛弃了他,找了个年龄相当的伴侣。
Spain relinquishes all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba. 西班牙放弃宣有及占享古巴。
In this regard, Seller hereby agrees to fully release and discharge agent from and relinquishes all rights, claims and actions that seller may have against agent which arise out of or are in any way connected with this order. 在这个方面,卖方特此同意完全豁免或者免除并撤回卖方可能针对代理人的、由本订单引起的或以任何方式与本订单有关的所有的权利、索赔和诉讼。
A parent relinquishes control over his grown children. 父亲不再管教已经长大的孩子。