
英 [ˈrentə(r)] 美 [ˈrentər]

n.  承租人; 租用人; 租户; 出租人; 出租机构






  1. 承租人;租用人;租户
    a person who rents sth
    1. house buyers and renters
  2. 出租人;出租机构
    a person or an organization that provides sth for people to rent
    1. the nation's biggest automobile renter


  1. Possible nodes on the tree would be age, income level, current number of cars, mariatl status, kids, homeowner, or renter.
  2. System deployment of an SPT profile is an important feature because it allows you to partition a system without having to renter data.
  3. After marking the vehicle, the servlet needs to prepare for displaying the Renter Information page, in which the customer verifies our information on her, and the contents of her Customer Profile.
  4. The renter shall keep the house in a neat and orderly state.
  5. The renter refused to remit the rent until a roofer removed the rotten wood from the rotten roof.
  6. Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box.
  7. Did the landlord say he was a visitor or renter?
  8. As the job's and renter's market becomes more competitive a great credit rating might give a person a competitive advantage.
  9. Moreover, the article discusses the mortgager's profits and renter's profits in building removal, and the realization of profits protection.
  10. All he said was, the renter paid cash.
  11. Buy-back Policy in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Composed of Auto Manufacturer and Car Renter
  12. Party B/ Renter/ Tenant is allowed to use building staircases and the south entrance elevator for their access to their leasing area.
  13. The company name was chosen to appeal to the "budget-minded" or "value-conscious" renter.
  14. If you are a renter and need to make an online inquiry, please click here.
  15. Every renter is provided with a toll free emergency telephone number at pick-up.
  16. Over the past few decades, rental affordability has become a widespread problem in the rent levels grew faster than renter income.
  17. If a renter does back out at the end of the agreement, the seller still has the option fee and rent premiums as income.
  18. In renting operation, whether the renter should take related compensation duty or not depends on the fact that whether the renter is aware of the driving qualification of the vehicle driver.
  19. Real estate tax is also can be called property tax or tenement tax, every year the renter or owner must pay certain taxes, and the quantity of tax they pay is varied because the market value of land or realty is changing every year.
  20. On the subject of right, it revolves the house owner ( including the shared houseowner), the house renter and the house mortgagee, etc.
  21. But, For the lesser, the biggest risk is the ability of renter to defray rent on time, which will directly affect the management and the existence of lesser.
  22. To effectively prevent seeking rent from the policy, we must strengthen the supervision over the power and punishment of abuse of power, reinforce the fight against the renter of policy and improve the building of legal system and establish the fair and normal social competitive order.
  23. The house leases is more and more common phenomenon in modern life. But the disputes appear between the lessee and the renter because different meaning within one party or two parties.
  24. Because of this modification changes the nature of the system of the priority to purchase of renter and the debate in the academia and the mixture on the application in the practical area, there is a negative effect of it, and therefore unreasonable.
  25. After the state-owned and collective enterprises are leased to individual, the renter uses them to conduct contract fraud. At this time, the renter should take responsibility for illegal and criminal activities, without any criminal relation to the entity.
  26. At the situation that the efficacy conflicts between the part owner and the tenant, the preemption right of the part owner in preference to the pre-emptive right of renter.
  27. Urban low-rent housing is that for the government to low-income urban families with rent subsidies or low rent allocated to the renter with social security the nature of ordinary housing.
  28. Now, in China, the research and practice of the system of the priority to purchase of renter have made some achievements, but also accumulated some experience.
  29. The price of housing rising will increase the rent and the cost of purchase in future for renter or buyer.
  30. Swiss and Quebec put down homeland system in legislation and treat it as the personal property of groups and forbid the family member who is the owner or renter to dispose without the consensus of the other family members.



  1. an owner of property who receives payment for its use by another person

    1. someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else
      1. the landlord can evict a tenant who doesn't pay the rent

      Synonym:    tenant