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  1. In sum, the highest-quality replicable sounds would crowd out the poorer ones.
  2. You must select a database with a least one replicable table.
  3. This means that reported findings are more readily replicable and checkable by other teams of researchers.
  4. Whether the model is a widely applicable innovation template is debatable but it could be replicable elsewhere in the tech sector and in areas such as healthcare and telecoms.
  5. Heroes are not replicable.
  6. But despite these lessons, African countries will still need to consider their own situations, since the experiences of others may not be easily replicable where conditions may differ.
  7. It has devised what Mr chambers calls a "replicable process".
  8. The Nordic combination of equality and productivity arose from circumstances that are not easily replicable or even sustainable within the region.
  9. Experimental research has five characteristics: systematic, logic, tangible, replicable and reductive.
  10. An Efficient Distributed Load Balancing Scheme Based on Replicable Resource
  11. In order to deal with the shortcomings of traditional schemes, a novel efficient distributed load-balancing scheme based on replicable resource was proposed.
  12. The article tentatively generalizes some replicable experiences from the lessons learnt from the damage of the lifeline system after the Osaka-Kobe Earthquake and the disaster relief measures.
  13. The subject in this paper focused on measurement of microwave absorption spectrum of nasopharyngeal cancer cell ( CNE1). A complete auto-test system based on computer technology has been setup and the replicable experimental method has been designed.
  14. Simple and easy cases have relatively strong objectivity, which is replicable and equal to the objectivity in the scientific sense put forward by Posner.
  15. Our answer is a cost sharing system that the local governments initiate by encouraging the local stakeholders including companies to participate, which is not only reasonable and realistic, but also replicable and sustainable.
  16. They should become a model replicable to students on a basis of self-disciplining.
  17. The implementation of soft-phone component makes it possible that small enterprise can customize vocation-oriented and scale-oriented call center on the base of the high replicable middleware.
  18. Studies on Hepatitis G Virus as a Replicable Vector for Gene Therapy and Inhibition of Gene Expression and Viral Replication by Small Interfering RNA
  19. Objective To explore an effective, replicable model of multi-sectoral coordination of AIDS prevention and care based on the situation of China.
  20. What makes printmaking directly and indirectly different from other forms of paintings is that the implication and replicable and special printings. All of these together are presented by its materials.
  21. At the same time, by the influence of the particular geographic space and local culture, especially the factors of natural environment, they have their own characteristics which can not be replicable.
  22. This study argues that the electronic media technology and its extensive application brings a replicable cultural works and ideology, which caused changing of feeling for the oral education and the nature of oral culture.
  23. Conclusion summarizes this thesis: work is an original intellectual property in the fields of literary, artistic or scientific and replicable.
  24. If we say that previous studies have replicable functions for the future, then this study at least gives the academic a point of view.
  25. The paper analyzed the characters, the actions and so on of distributed mutual objects and proposed an efficient distributed load-balancing scheme based on replicable resource.
  26. Therefore, the shape of the skin is not a simple visual perspective, and building a direct impact on the overall environment in which to generate architectural surface, decided the construction of the unique and not replicable.
  27. Ceremony itself is a set of fixed, non-utilitarian, and replicable behaviors which surpasses the real life and comes out from long-term practices of human beings, as well as an active provided with sanctity and meaning expression function.
  28. Such as specific content, a certain form of expression, been fixed, replicable and have a stable carrier and so on.