
英 [rɪˌpjuːdɪˈeɪʃən] 美 [rɪˌpjudiˈeɪʃən]

网络  否认; 抵赖; 拒绝; 拒绝履行; 批判



BNC.23814 / COCA.18796


  1. It is, in fact, a repudiation of the very goals he has established.
  2. Tyrant or revolutionary hero, Fidel Castro remains at the center of the world's media spotlight-an object of fascination for some and repudiation for others.
  3. It is a hedge against the future, rather than a repudiation of the special relationship with Washington.
  4. These would include debt repudiation, the unravelling of structural reforms, and rehiring thousands more civil servants.
  5. Privately, company executives portray the recent shift not as a repudiation of its long-term strategy, but rather as a complement to its own research and development efforts, which remain substantial.
  6. Repudiation of debt will redirect national resources to this and other vital projects.
  7. The modern movement began by pruning excess, and then shifted to an iconoclastic repudiation of historical styles, substituting a dogma of rigor and purity.
  8. Modern China saw the end of the imperial civil-service examinations he inspired, the end of the imperial regime itself and the repudiation of the classical Chinese in which he wrote.
  9. The admirals said China's refusal to lend assistance to the minesweepers was a worrisome repudiation of historical principles calling on all nations to assist ships in danger at sea.
  10. Digital signatures address authentication and repudiation issues, and message encryption addresses confidentiality issues.
  11. Non repudiation consists of the sender's non repudiation and receipt's non repudiation. I might go to Brighton at the weekend.
  12. The establishment and repudiation of plato's "ideal country"
  13. The recipient of a message may insist that the sender attach a signature in order to prevent any later repudiation, since the recipient may show the message to a third party to prove its origin.
  14. As described above, it is important for security against repudiation to add both a nonce and the identity of the intended recipient to application data to be signed.
  15. For sovereigns, a credit event is defined by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association as a failure to pay a coupon interest payment or principal, a restructuring changing the terms of an agreement or the repudiation of or moratorium on debt.
  16. The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime. Monarchy used to be based on divine right.
  17. Analysis and Countermeasures on Repudiation Economy
  18. The elections were seen as a repudiation of an unpopular war in Iraq.
  19. A Non-repudiation Protocol Based E-mail Transmission Scheme
  20. Breaking with half-a-century of public repudiation of most things western and all things American, he invited the New York Philharmonic to perform in Pyongyang.
  21. They were surprised by his sudden repudiation off all his former beliefs.
  22. The mid-term elections were not a repudiation of the war on terror, but of the conduct of the Iraq war, which the majority of Americans now regard as a horrible distraction.
  23. She urged repudiation of materialistic iPhone-centric values.
  24. Unfortunately this debatable concept is now too generally accepted in the political world for such repudiation to be feasible.
  25. That is also the great enduring strength of those revolutions, and it is the ultimate repudiation of the al-Qaida narrative that change can only come through violent extremism.
  26. Barclay Card is authorised to accept claim, request additional claim information, make decision on claim payment or repudiation.
  27. For all these reasons," The Fisherman "is really a re-writing and even a kind of continuation, rather than a repudiation, of" The Song of the Wandering Aengus "and the poems from that period.
  28. Of course, not all cases end up in a morass of uncertainty, and the ability to demand assurances dose often enable a party either to obtain adequate security or to establish a repudiation.
  29. This policy was advanced following the repudiation of the counter-revolutionary Hu Feng clique, and I think it remains correct because it accords with dialectics.
  30. The paper researches and analyzes the non repudiation and gives some methods to solve the question.



  1. the exposure of falseness or pretensions
    1. the debunking of religion has been too successful

    Synonym:    debunking

  2. refusal to acknowledge or pay a debt or honor a contract (especially by public authorities)
    1. the repudiation of the debt by the city

  3. rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid
    1. Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated

    Synonym:    renunciation