
英 [ˈrezəneɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈrezəneɪtɪŋ]

v.  产生共鸣; 发出回响; 回荡; (使)回响,起回声; 使产生联想; 引起共鸣; 和…的想法(或观念)类似



  1. VERB 发出嘹亮的声音;回响;回荡
    If something resonates, it vibrates and produces a deep, strong sound.
    1. The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.
  2. VERB 有特殊意义;引起共鸣
    You say that something resonates when it has a special meaning or when it is particularly important to someone.
    1. London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.


  1. London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.
  2. Night also has voice, rumble and clang. It maybe more resonating caused by the silent night, maybethe cart break down the wall of silent.
  3. It` s a question faced hundreds of times by Xiao Yang, whose online film Old Boys is resonating deeply with Chinese born in the 1970s and 1980s.
  4. In Summer there will be little boats floating on the river, the laughter of children resonating with the sound of the running water.
  5. Mr. Murphy responded: Seems like you are telling me what I need to do and that is not resonating with me.
  6. Noise from outside the shell also can change the intensity of the sound you hear inside the shell. You can look at the shell as a resonating chamber. When sound from outside enters the shell, it bounces around, thus creating an audible noise.
  7. We found what looks like a very sophisticated resonating chamber.
  8. A resonating chamber in a musical instrument ( as the body of a violin).
  9. Above-head resonating is called quintessence and key in bel conto singing.
  10. As the land began resonating, its own movement tore itself apart, causing the massive earthquake.
  11. I would like to find out about life in the universe. "Enters actual universe resonating condition, is accommodating with the universe." I add on the thought.
  12. Breathing, throating and above-head resonating are the fundamental singing skills, the master of which will help to produce pleasant songs.
  13. Design a structure in which the electrons resonate in a way analogous to a tuning fork and you have a type of generator, since the resonating electrons are, in effect, an alternating current.
  14. Where are the resonating cavities of a human being contained?
  15. I'm sure some will have a bit of a time resonating with this but most will actually begin to enjoy this new food source.
  16. With this method in mind, the features of the collector current are analyzed when resonating circuit or resistor is loaded.
  17. But resonating the loudest in 2010 may be the ideological shock that the private equity industry suffered last year: the shift of power from manager to investor.
  18. The second important undertaking is to raise your individual vibration so that when Earth's transformation is completed you are resonating with her new frequency.
  19. It gives an exposition of the thermally excited silicon resonator pressure sensor and the thermally excited resonating membrane mass flow sensor.
  20. Research on Automatic Resonating for Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting
  21. The crystal will resonate at a driving frequency and the signal of resonating will be captured on time.
  22. The color-analog Van der Waals force between two hadrons is studied by use of the coupling channel resonating group method in the framework of the Gaussian-type quark confinement potential.
  23. The resonating principle and the radiation characteristics of the antenna are studied by analyzing the distribution of the electric field vector on different resonant modes.
  24. In this measuring system, the quartz crystal is drived by constant-frequency source. And in this way the shortcomings of traditional quartz sensor, such as difficulty in starting resonating and low measuring range of liquid viscosity, are solved.
  25. The sound absorbers can be divided into three kinds according to the sound absorption mechanism, porous sound-absorbing material, resonating sound absorption structure and compound sound absorption structure.
  26. Compared with the traditional resonating demodulation diagnosis by vibration method, the acoustic emission method can be able to forecast the faults of bearing at the earliest time. The characteristic frequency and the characteristic signal are more obvious.
  27. Starting from the basic principles of singing, this paper tries to illustrate the pianissimo singing function, analyze of the status and breath in singing pianissimo, illustrate the role of resonating organs and vocal organs, and discuss the ways and meaning in the pianissimo training.
  28. When the vortex street frequency is consistent with the cylinder natural frequency, resonating create the enormous destruction.
  29. For adopting the new resonating structure, the bandwidth of pass bands is relative wide.



  1. characterized by resonance
    1. a resonant voice
    2. hear the rolling thunder

    Synonym:    resonantresoundingreverberatingreverberative