Nor is there much of a sign restive workers are on the verge of demanding better hours or higher wages, unhappy as they may be about$ 4 gasoline. 而且,也没有多少迹象显示,在汽油价格高达4美元/加仑之时,有不满足于现状的雇员很快会要求更高的时薪或工资。
In an attempt to stabilise cotton supplies and soothe restive farmers in Xinjiang, in 2011 China set a cotton price floor and started stockpiling the material. 为稳定棉花供应及安抚新疆躁动不安的棉农,2011年中国设定了棉花价格下限并开始囤积棉花。
Syrian security forces intensified their assault on opposition areas in the restive central city of Homs yesterday, as the US closed its embassy in Damascus citing security reasons and Britain recalled its top envoy. 叙利亚军警昨天对动荡的中部城市霍姆斯(Homs)的反对派占领区域加紧攻击。同时美国以安全为由关闭在大马士革的使馆,英国则召回驻叙利亚大使。
The restive area is home to China's minority ethnic Uighurs, who are ethnically related to Turks. 新疆是中国维吾尔少数民族的聚居地,他们在种族上与土耳其人有渊源。
It is restive, confused, gently millenarian. 这是一种焦躁、懵懂又温和的“千禧年”状态[8]。
But local residents in pakistan's restive northwest tribal region blamed the military, saying assailants fired missiles into the house. 但是,动荡的巴基斯坦西北部落地区的居民指责政府军,说攻击者向房子里发射火箭。
The sudden price boom provoked a worldwide food crisis that had governments scrambling to secure supplies often through a "starve-thy-neighbour" policy of encouraging imports to feed their restive populations while blocking their own farmers from selling abroad. 突如其来的价格上涨,引发了一场全球性的粮食危机,各国政府争先恐后的确保粮食供应,它们往往采取一种“以邻为壑”的政策鼓励粮食进口以供养本国焦躁不安的人民,同时禁止本国农民出口粮食。
They became restive and began to clear their throat. 他们变得焦躁不安,开始咳嗽似地清起嗓门来。
Thanks in large part to its one-child policy, China certainly has a less restive population. 中国人肯定没有那麽桀骜不驯,这在一定程度上归因于独生子女政策。
For this reason the restive youth of China and Oman are different from those of north Africa. 基于这个理由,中国及阿曼那些躁动不安的年轻人与北非的年轻人截然不同。
If Kosovo remains unresolved and restive, the EU will not admit Serbia as a member. 如果科索沃问题悬而未决且难以控制,欧盟不会承认塞尔维亚为一个成员国。
Many Arab states of the Middle East have already achieved parity in the basic education of girls – a hopeful sign for their future – but more could be done to provide opportunity to a restive youth population. 中东地区的许多阿拉伯国家已做到在基础教育领域对男女学生一视同仁对这些国家的未来而言,这是一个充满希望的迹象但是它们还可以做得更多,以为躁动不安的年轻人提供机会。
The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the performance to begin. 观众们在等待演出开始的时候,变得不耐烦了。
When the singer was late, the audience grew restive. 歌手迟迟不出场,听众变得不耐烦了。
It wants to find another country with which to share the burden of securing the restive province of Uruzgan. 它希望找到另一个国家来分担稳定难以控制的乌鲁兹根省的负担。
Offer energy resources as tribute [ to Beijing] to create harmony proclaims a giant billboard outside a petrol station in Korla, in Xinjiang province, China's restive western frontier region. 在中国不那么稳定的西部边疆地区,新疆库尔勒市一座加油站外面,一块巨大的广告牌上写着奉献能源创造和谐。
Two Swedish journalists have told an Ethiopian court they were upholding the highest traditions of their profession when they were arrested in the company of rebels in the restive Ogaden region. 两名瑞典记者在埃塞俄比亚法庭上说,当他们在奥加登地区和叛军一同被捕时,是在为他们职业的最高传统标准尽责。
His face was quite stolid, But he looked at her with restive eyes. 他脸上没有表情,眼睛却倔强地看着她。
Some Pakistanis also say they suspect the Afghan government of meddling in Pakistan's restive Baluchistan province. 一些巴基斯坦人怀疑阿富汗政府干预巴基斯坦形势不稳定的卑路支省。
He was by nature powerful of thought and sensibility, and the creative spirit was restive and urgent. 他天生思维犀利,感觉敏锐,创作感强烈得难以驾驭。
By the time they turned to history, Young Griff was growing restive. 等到开始上历史,小格里夫变得不耐烦了。
The prime minister's second achievement has been to tackle spain's restive regions. 他的第二个成就是成功解决了西班牙的动乱地区问题。
The YAHOOS were the most filthy, noisome, and deformed animals which nature ever produced, so they were the most restive and indocile, mischievous and malicious; “雅虎”是大自然所生的一种最肮脏、最有害、最丑恶的动物,因此它们最为倔强而又不可驯服,恶毒而又惹事生非;
The government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive. 政府未采取任何措施放松出口限制,因此国内制造商变得焦虑不安。
Now Aleppo seems increasingly restive. 现在,阿勒颇似乎越来越躁动不安。
Reports say army units exchanged fire after one refused to shoot at protesters in restive city of Deraa. 报道说在德拉,一支叙利亚军队拒绝服从命令向抗议者开枪,之后两支军队发生交火。
No countries are watching Jordan more keenly than Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and a currently restive Bahrain. Unrest in their neighbour will make all three more cautious about allowing citizens to speak their minds. 对约旦关注最为密切的莫过于沙特阿拉伯、科威特和目前陷入动乱的巴林。邻国的动荡让这三个国家对于让公民表达自己的意愿变得更为警惕。
The dogs were feeling restive because they sensed a storm was in the air. 狗表现焦躁不安,因为它们感觉到暴风雨就要来临了。
But while Moscow has long been able to buy stability in its restive outer regions, using windfall oil revenues, the strategy is being undermined by low oil prices, budget cuts, plunging economic growth and high unemployment. 尽管莫斯科多年来能够用石油收入的横财在不太平的边远地区买到稳定,但这一战略正受到油价下跌、预算削减、经济减速和高失业率的侵蚀。