
英 [ˌriːˈstrʌktʃəz] 美 [ˌriːˈstrʌktʃərz]

v.  调整结构; 改组; 重建


  1. VERB 改组;重新组织;调整
    To restructure an organization or system means to change the way it is organized, usually in order to make it work more effectively.
    1. The President called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education...
    2. How can I begin to restructure my life so that I'm happier with it?


  1. This process, called normalization, restructures the data to limit redundancy.
  2. Refactoring differs from automated code generation in that it restructures the code without changing the functionality.
  3. The mapping table allows the user to perform scalar mappings, which is to perform restructures that do not have set semantics and that do not change the dimensions of the structures.
  4. If Greece restructures, why on earth would people invest in other peripheral economies?
  5. For example company restructures may reshuffle your own positioning.
  6. They, and smaller bondholders, remain unhappy with the blueprint, which restructures Eurotunnel's& pound;
  7. Restructures skin's acid and alkali balance, enhances the tenacity and elasticity of the skin.
  8. The rebuilding approach not only brings a new method of revitalizing early history of figures but also restructures a miniature of what the real world is at that time.
  9. The paper analyzes the practical flow of spare parts provision. With the method of approximate analysis, and through simplifying and Abstracting, the paper gives the emphases and restructures the flow of provision and sets up a reliability model about spare parts provision by applying combination model.
  10. In the development of Hubei automotive enterprises, eight restructures in the operation of automotive industry should be focused in order to realize its sustainable development.
  11. The investigation by the Institute of Factory Management and Automation, Magdeburg shows how far away the current organization forms are from the ideal of the learning organization after investigating the reorganization and restructures of pioneering enterprises. Building the learning organization is the coming transformation of organizations.
  12. Introduces the causes and necessity that financing risk comes into being when enterprise's asset restructures. Studies the connotation of financing risk and its countermeasures.
  13. This paper employs the approaches that combining analytic and positive, quantitative and qualitative methods, restructures the store control process, adopts the ABC classification on the basis of efficacy assessment, and proves the economic benefits of store control optimum.
  14. This paper bases on the analysis of new characteristics of public sports brings by PE leisure, and restructures the management system of the mass physical training in china.
  15. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires to the problems of the implement of new geography Curriculum reform, the author restructures the qualities of middle school geography teachers and comes up with the training strategies of the teachers.
  16. Transposition of transposable element increases its copy number and thus restructures the genome.
  17. From the perspectives of theory and comparative law, the author theoretically criticizes and restructures the current laws concerning the constitutive requirements of obligee's subrogation.
  18. The study emphasizes on the urgency of economy transformation in the mountainous area, strategy of economy transformation and its developmental model restructures in Guangdong.
  19. But, in the new software development flow, the iteration cycle shortens, requests to carry on to the code restructures frequently.
  20. It has been proved that this software is very helpful for the Platform Computing Support work. It not only restructures and optimizes the technical support work, but also provides the customers with a better service.
  21. Every media change drives the discussion of public sphere theory and research forward, and public domain transforms and restructures with the repeatedly impact of media development.
  22. On the basis of abandoning the disadvantages and taking in the advantages, this dissertation restructures a stereoscopic framework of the U.S. drug control mode by embracing the basic contents of the most significant three aspects of drug control foreign policy, drug control legal system and addictive treatment.
  23. And finally the author makes some suggestions on the own restructures of China.
  24. The decoding of nominalization restructures a dynamic process in the minds of translators with participants and circumstances involved, with an aim to identify the prominent semantic role of the marked nominalizations in the source language.
  25. Consequently, it restructures the process of new product development according to the actual condition in the company.
  26. From late in 1970s to the middle of 1990s, South Jiangsu rural industrialization restructures its traditional rural regional structure and basically achieves non-agricultural transformation of rural economy and population and promotes revival and prosperity of the small towns.
  27. This essay restructures the sustainable growth model and provides sensitivity analysis of the relevant factors of the model with financial perspective.
  28. For the first time, this article suggests that the fundamental target of using the public used public property is for protecting or improving public welfare and restructures the conception of the public used public property from the view of the public interest.
  29. Based on the basic venation that elementary market reforms, two segmentations and restructures, this dissertation briefly describes the evolvement of Chinese airline industry structure and market opening.