
英 [rɪˈtræktɪŋ] 美 [rɪˈtræktɪŋ]

v.  撤销,收回(说过的话); 撤回,收回(协议、承诺等); 缩回; 拉回


  1. VERB 收回,撤回(所说的话或写的东西)
    If you retract something that you have said or written, you say that you did not mean it.
    1. Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio...
    2. He's hoping that if he makes me feel guilty, I'll retract.
  2. V-ERG (使)缩回;(使)缩入;(使)收起
    When a part of a machine or a part of a person's body retracts or is retracted, it moves inwards or becomes shorter.
    1. Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure, and tightness.
    2. ...when the aircraft's wheels were retracted.


  1. In the past few years, Schmidt has transitioned from a seasoned and successful CEO to something of a loose cannon who spends most of his time retracting, or explaining or laughing away his previous statements.
  2. Aviation experts say he was probably dead before he hit the ground either because he had been crushed by the retracting landing gear shortly after the plane took off or because of the extreme cold at high altitude.
  3. After resecting the petrosal bone which block the visual of the most part of the pefrosal posterior wall, the exposed area was obviously enlarged, and the temporal base retracting angle reduced.
  4. Calculation and Measure of Web Vertical Stress Field Using Low Retracting Prestressed Anchorage
  5. The Improvement of the Legal System on Retracting the Right to the Use of State-owned Construction Land
  6. Risk of injury and damage when retracting and extending the hitch ball.
  7. But instead of retracting its gloomy full-year projection for an 18 per cent earnings fall, Honda warned investors of worse to come.
  8. She emphasised that the apology was not for awarding the degree, only for the unhappiness caused by it, and the university would not be retracting the award.
  9. A cluster job-scheduling system model based on supporting nodes dynamic retracting
  10. After retracting the rear auxiliary feet, extend them until they touch the surface on which the balance rests.
  11. You can hear someone setting off a string of the traditional red firecrackers The cart can automatic retracting, releasing and laying cables.
  12. The cart can automatic retracting, releasing and laying cables. Give the line more play, eg in fishing.
  13. Control handle up, gear retracting door open.
  14. That retracting drawbridge on the castle.
  15. Rammed the door with a sledgehammer until it Broke open. Control handle up, gear retracting door open.
  16. The research of the effect of Acupoint electro-stimulating on Rat Skeleton Muscle Retracting Function After Acute Motion
  17. In death the human body dehydrates severely, retracting enough skin to expose more nail and hair.
  18. The spindle electrode head of EDM completing working and retracting, until entirely leaving the cutting fluid, will obtain the resistant effect of liquid.
  19. When we turn, the mass of the object ( the dancer figure) could be change by extending or retracting your feet or arm.
  20. Much like the roar of a Bengal Tiger, those who would threaten to continue to do damage to one's field are held at bay as one stands their ground and terrorizes the forces of the dark into retracting.
  21. The false gods are now retracting that strove to embody Sirius as the dance did not lead to the homecoming that they thought; and so soon Sirius will again fall down the dimensions.
  22. Shadow, get to the retracting zone now!
  23. By means of calculating combustion heat based on the molecular structure of ignition composition and the electron mobility number during burning process, the combustion and kinetic process of retracting actuator is studied and the retracting force of piston is estimated.
  24. The results of the calculation show that the security is enough for deploying and retracting cable.
  25. This paper introduces a new method of turning unequally spaced threads by using cam slot with automatic guiding converting cylindrical cam and automatic tool retracting unit for turning thread.
  26. This article is had on the results of a retracting investigation on the exercise-related sudden death in Shanghai and EasternChina.
  27. Meanwhile, the characteristic of loosing and retracting skeleton in the Sertoli cells was found.
  28. Through the wind tunnel experiment, the wind dynamic character of ellipsoidal shell in all kinds of retracting status is developed, and the results of test and theory are compared.
  29. Discussing about Valve Controled Single Rod Cylinder Extending and Retracting Speed
  30. This algorithm extends the range that the distance changing filing algorithm based on center retracting can be used successfully.