
英 [ˌriːˈjuːzɪz] 美 [ˌriːˈjuːzɪz]

v.  再次使用; 重复使用


    The verb is pronounced /riː'juːz/. The noun is pronounced /riː'juːs/. 动词读作/riː'juːz/。名词读作/riː'juːs/。

  1. VERB 再使用;重复使用;重新利用
    When you reuse something, you use it again instead of throwing it away.
    1. Try where possible to reuse paper.
    2. Reuse is also a noun.
    3. Copper, brass and aluminium are separated and remelted for reuse.


  1. As an alternative to tailoring an existing process, you can also author a completely new process from scratch or a new process that reuses material from one or more existing processes.
  2. Doing so reuses tested and proven code and will save you from repeating script code and making potential errors.
  3. A company that reuses assets is not constrained by the number of developers on the team.
  4. It creates and reuses a variety of business services encompassing the business operations of the organization.
  5. For example, there is no stereotype for operation or for protocol, as these are existing notions in UML2.0 that the profile reuses without any ambiguity or further constraint.
  6. In other words, exec reuses the same process to start a new task.
  7. This process is safe and it reuses your team's existing skills: IPsec for site-to-site and Secure Sockets Layer in the cloud segments.
  8. Thankfully, the SAP GUI provides a feature that saves the test data and reuses them for the subsequent tests.
  9. The COE reuses and shares the defined logical and physical architectures based on scenarios to the project teams for realization.
  10. This code reuses standard system colors available through the Display class.
  11. An opcode cache saves this compiled opcode and reuses it the next time the page is called.
  12. The re_sign_cert command reuses the key.
  13. It delivers faster implementation with an component architecture that reuses components and ensures the quality and consistency of content published to a portal or a Web site.
  14. If you omit the target file name, curl simply reuses the name of the file being uploaded.
  15. And it reuses the same object each time.
  16. As the name implies, this type of logging reuses the logs in a circular mode.
  17. For each server interaction, each user reuses two Apache HttpClient objects to communicate with the server through HTTP.
  18. You can define another fault message that reuses your existing fault element, but JAX-RPC maps it to yet another exception; it doesn't reuse the existing exception.
  19. So until someone uses our component, and then someone reuses it, we really don't know if we've done a good job of creating something reusable.
  20. A new service-oriented application exposes business behavior as a service and also reuses business logic, which is exposed as a service.
  21. So when the same SQL statement is executed again, DB2 finds the previously created access plan in the statement cache and reuses the access plan.
  22. Reuse Action. Describes the action that Component Management performs when it reuses a component.
  23. If a user connection starts a transaction and disconnects before committing or rolling back the transaction, and a connection thereafter reuses the same thread, the previous transaction still stays open.
  24. You may have non-private variables in your class, but you may then see unexpected behavior in a production application because of how Tapestry pools and reuses pages and components.
  25. SQLCMD integration – SQLCMD compatible script execution within Powershell ( reuses the SQL Server connection context, and even database context of the provider!)
  26. This instrument greatly eliminates the impact of the friction moments, increases the accuracy of experiment, reuses waste parts and has increased the utilization of the experimental equipment.
  27. It is not only about reuses of services constrained by the ownership boundaries, it is about management restrictions on creation of services that might be used by other ownerships.
  28. Hibernate OGM reuses the Hibernate Core engine but stores your entities in Infinispan ( and eventually any key/ value store) rather than a relational database.
  29. An overview on beneficial reuses of waste foundry sand as construction materials
  30. The second is page output caching, which saves the output of page processing and reuses the output instead of re-processing the page when a user requests the page again.