He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver. 他这把***只有7梭子子弹。
City police said the man was armed with a revolver. 市警方称那名男子携带了一支***。
His hands were too weak to cock his revolver. 他的手没劲儿,扳不动***的扳机。
She has a revolver containing live cartridges. 她有一支装了实弹的***。
I also had my revolver and a knife. 我还带了我的***和一把刀。
I heard him make his revolver ready to fire, and I did the same. 我听到他将***开火的,我也这么做了。
So we found some gunk in the revolver's forcing cone. 我们在手枪导锥上找到的黏性物质。
I took my revolver out of my pocket, and checked that it was ready to fire. 我从衣兜里取出了***,并确认它可以随时射发了。
One guy ran out of a tavern with a revolver and aimed it at a female protester, who kicked the gun out of his hands using a karate move. 有个家伙拿着***从一家酒馆里跑了出来,还用枪瞄准了一位女性抗议者。这位女士用了招空手道,踢飞了他手中的枪。
Guns and swords are weapons. He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver. 枪炮和刀剑是武器。他掷掉剑,捡起一把手枪。
The man with the beard replaced his revolver. 有胡子的人又把左轮枪收了起来。
The captain finished him off with his revolver. 上尉用***把他给结果了。
Colt: american firearms inventor and manufacturer who developed the first revolver. 考特:美国武器发明家和制造商,研制出第一把***。
If you want to come with me, Watson, fetch your revolver and let's go. 如果您想和我一道去的话,华生,那就去取您的***,然后咱们就去吧。
He was cleaning his service revolver. 他在清理他的***。
She seized an officer's revolver from its holster and shot him dead. 她从一名军官的手枪皮套中夺得***,把他打死了。
He presented a revolver at the thief. a sight used for aiming a gun. 他用***瞄准那个贼。用来瞄准枪的瞄准器。
He killed the man with a revolver. 他用***把那个人杀死了。
In pistol shooting, there are service pistol, semiautomatic pistol, center-fire pistol or revolver. 在手枪射击中,又分***。半自动手枪,中心发火手枪和***。
She was looking straight at me, straight into my eyes, and the revolver was at my temple. 她望着,直勾勾地对着我的眼睛望着,手枪已经逼到了我的太阳穴边。
He struck off the enemy's revolver. 他打掉了敌人的***。
The scarf concealed a revolver. 头巾下藏着把***。
His hand, questing for something else, touched the handle of the revolver. 他的手在摸索什么别的东西时,碰到了左轮枪的枪把。
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him? 超人的胸口能挡住子弹,但当你向他扔手枪的时候,为什么他要蹲下来躲避?
I accidentally found a revolver and some bullets in my attic last year and have kept them for self-defense. 我去年在我的阁楼中意外地发现一把***和一些子弹,并一直保有它们以为自卫用。
I shot him with a small revolver I keep near my balls. 我用一把藏在我睾丸附近的小型连发***干掉了他。
The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver. 强盗用***威胁出纳员。
The robber let the revolver off at the crowd. 强盗向人群开枪了。
I'd asked him for his revolver and gone back by myself with the intention of using it. 我向他要来了手枪。我为了使用武器又一个人回去。
The third went up to the counter and pulled out the revolver. 第三个人跳到了柜台前,拔出了手枪。