What riles Taleb is that our leaders have increasingly shifted the modern world in the opposite direction of antifragility. 让塔勒布恼火的是,当前的领导人正带领着这个世界向着反脆弱性的反方向前进。
If you seek an explanation for why Mr Obama riles so many voters – and not just Tea Party conservatives – the perception of double standards is at the root of the problem. 如果你希望为奥巴马激怒如此多选民(不仅仅是茶党保守派)寻找一个解释,那么人们得到的双重标准印象是问题的根源。
This provides a far more nuanced, sophisticated, and nevertheless manageable approach, Ms Riles argues. And some regulators and lawyers agree. 万安黎辩称:这种方式更加微妙和复杂,但也更容易操作。一些监管机构和律师对此表示同意。
But Ms Riles thinks regulators should learn from some of their ideas. 但万安黎认为监管机构应该借鉴他们的一些观点。
And yet some regulators do now appear to be privately conceding Ms Riles 'point – namely that co-ordination is an unworkable fantasy – and quietly hunting for alternatives. 然而现在一些监管机构看来确实在私下里认同万安黎的观点(即合作是不切实际的幻想),并在悄悄地寻找替代办法。
But beware of the friend who just riles you up further; there's a difference between letting you vent and fanning your flames. 但是注意那些给你搅更多浑水的朋友,让你发泄和煽风点火之间是不同的。
More interesting will be to see how Mr Braunstein, who has a reputation for speaking his mind even when it riles others, will interact with the similarly direct Mr Dimon on strategic and financial issues. 更令人感兴趣的,将是看看以直言不讳(即使会冒犯他人)著称的布劳恩斯坦,在战略及财务问题上如何与脾性类似的戴蒙相处。
Governance is about policies and controlling riles while management is about policy execution and controls. 治理关心的是政策和控制规则,而管理的含义则是政策执行和控制。
Association rules mining is an important technique in data mining and kdd, but some problems exist in the association riles mining based on support and confidence. 摘要关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘和知识发现中一门重要技术,但基于支持度-置信度框架的关联规则挖掘存在一些问题。
It riles me that he won't agree. 他就是不同意,真气人。
Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce. 它们的声音会激怒这些长尾蜥。
So, what riles Edgar – what gets him riled up – is that people who are rich say they came from poor families. 因此,是那些有钱人说自己来自穷人家庭惹怒了埃德加。
What particularly riles outsiders is that America did not get anything much out of India in return. 尤令外界愤怒的是,美国并未从印度方面得到什么回报。
Christina riles her by talking about her morphine addiction. 克里斯蒂娜故意谈及其***上瘾激恼她。
Neither goal is served if Japan riles its neighbours with high-handedness over its wartime past. 假如日本粗暴蛮横地惹恼它的邻居,美国就会连一个目标也实现不了。