
n.  蔗糖



  1. Along with two other factors of saccharose and fluoride, the change of amino acids contents was observed, which would help to discover the association between amino acid and caries susceptibility.
  2. Changes of Soluble Monosaccharides and Saccharose During Flower Bud Differentiation Period and Sprouting Period
  3. There were positive correlation, significant or extremely significant positive correlation among concentrations of SS, saccharose, Pro, Na+ and Cl-.
  4. Research and Developing Prospects on Processing Techniques of Saccharose
  5. In this paper, the reasons of forming water insolubles in WLT& 1 type syntan are analysed, and treating the water insolubles with sulphites and saccharose is discussed '
  6. The efficiency carbon sources were 1% Avices+ 1% saccharose for the higher production of enzyme, while 1% peptone+ 1% yeast extract were the best nitrogen sources.
  7. The treatments with moderate concentration of saccharose, proline, and IAA gave higher mycorrhizal colonization percentage ( MCP) than that of control, and the treatment with saccharose showed the highest MCP, 92.3%.
  8. For the use of sterilization 8-HQS had an advantage over Ca ( NO3) 2. The combinative use of saccharose, antiseptic, and ethylene inhibitor even had a much better effect.
  9. In the slab-experiments, the effect of nutrition control to fungi growing was very obvious: fungi can grow faster in saccharose or soluble starch substrates than in carboxymethylcellulose or lignin substrates.
  10. The behaviors of rats were evaluated by open-field test, and the consumption of saccharose, emotional behavior test, body weight, and appetite were observed too.
  11. Enzyme is used to make glucose or saccharose phosphorylation to prepare FDP. Purified FDP is extracted by sedimentation, transformation, ion absorption, cleaning and crystallization.
  12. Its buoyant density in CsCl was 1.36-1.38g/cm3 and itS sedimentation coefficient in saccharose gradients was 162S.
  13. The study on the change of soluble monosaccharides and saccharose during the flower bud differentiation period and sprouting period shows that the relatively higher content of soluble monosaccharides and saccharides is necessary to these periods, especially higher content of saccharides.
  14. Effect of ethanol concentration on the soil invertase activity and effect of different substrate ( saccharose) concentrations on the relationship between invertase activity and ethanol were studied.
  15. Wild Lonicera edulis fruit was used as raw material to produced wine, together with saccharose, citric acid, malic acid and edible alcohol etc.
  16. The result shows that: samples synthesized using saccharose as carbon source has better electrochemical performances.



  1. a complex carbohydrate found in many plants and used as a sweetening agent

      Synonym:    sucrose