The newly built airport acts as a starting point for safaris into the game parks and reserves of northern Tanzania 新建的机场是去坦桑尼亚北部野生动物园和保护区观看野生动物的出发点。
Daring souls get the thrill of a lifetime on trekking expeditions and safaris in remote places from Africa to Asia. 胆子大的人到亚洲和非洲去探险狩猎作长途旅行,享受一辈子难得一次的刺激。
These trips are called balloon safaris. 这种旅行被称为气球游猎。
Hot air balloon safaris offer high-flying adventures that are unlikely to disturb the native animals. 热汽球狩猎之旅提供高空飞行历险,这几乎不会打扰当地的动物。
In the jungles and deserts of Africa, people can take safaris and see wild animals in their natural habitat. 在非洲的丛林和沙漠中,人们可以来趟观兽之旅,欣赏自然栖息地中的野生动物。
Slimane, who goes on "model safaris" to source scrawny teenagers from the streets and clubs of Antwerp, Berlin and Bristol, is obsessed with British youth culture. 苏莱曼迷恋英国青年文化,他进行“模特大搜寻”,从安特卫普、柏林和布里斯托尔的街道和夜总会里寻找骨瘦如柴的十来岁的青少年。
Pushkar has a famous temple dedicated to Brahma and is popular with foreign tourists who come for its desert ambience, camel safaris and annual camel fair. 布什格尔有一处非常著名的拜祭梵天的寺庙,独特的沙漠景观、骆驼旅行和一年一度的骆驼节也吸引了众多外国游客。
Other safaris are pairing education with animal watching, giving travelers a taste of local cultures. 其他狩猎之旅则将教育和动物观赏结合在一起,让游客能体验到当地文化。