It was a salutary experience to be in the minority 敌众我寡时倒是可以磨炼人。
The letter had a very salutary effect. 这封信好似一剂苦口良药。
The accident was a salutary experience; I'll never drink and drive again. 那次意外是个有益的教训:我再也不酒后驾车了。
After the salutary experiences of Iraq and Afghanistan, would Mr Cameron join him in another Middle East war? 经过了伊拉克和阿富汗的教训,卡梅伦还会追随他参与另一场中东战争吗?
It is also salutary to note how quickly the shale revolution has overturned many predictions of ebbing US power. 另外有必要指出的是,页岩气革命是多么迅速地推翻了众多关于美国实力衰落的预言。
It is a salutary tale for all those Western multinationals now flocking to countries such as Brazil. 对于所有那些正涌向巴西等国的西方跨国企业而言,这是一个有益的教训。
The experience of nearly killing a child was salutary& he never drove too fast again. 那次差一点撞死小孩的经历对他有好处&他再也不开快车了。
It was a salutary lesson to see the whole team so easily defeated. 看到整个球队如此轻易被打败是个有益的教训。
The war is a salutary reminder of how dan-gerous the world has become. 战争对我们是一个很好的提醒:这个世界已经变得多么危险。
And, even within the Catholic faith, there are salutary counter-tendencies. 甚至在天主教信仰中,也存在相反的倾向。
These salutary effects would probably remain even as higher-skilled tasks become candidates for trade. 即便更高技能的工作任务成为贸易候选品,这些正面效应仍可能会存在。
But the chaos in Iraq and the defiance of North Korea and Iran have offered a salutary lesson that it cannot act alone. 但伊拉克的混乱局势及朝鲜和伊朗的公然挑战给美国上了有益的一课:它不能单干。
But it was a salutary one. 但妥协结果是有益的。
The first was a salutary reminder that infectious disease can hitch a plane ride anywhere. 第一个报告是个有益的提醒,说明传染病能够搭乘飞机四处传播。
Their power and ambition is salutary, even if the Ford Foundation was the outcome of tax avoidance ( Henry and Edsel Ford bequeathed most of their stock to the family foundation in response to an estate tax). 它们的实力和雄心是对社会有益的,尽管福特基金会是避税的产物(为了逃避遗产税,亨利福特(HenryFord)和埃兹尔福特(EdselFord)把他们的大部分股权遗赠给了家族基金会)。
From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose; 从其自然趋势看来,可以肯定,在每一种有益的目标上,总是不乏这种精神的。
Tina's losing the long distance race was actually salutary because it made her practice harder. 蒂娜输掉这场长跑比赛也有好处,因为这会使她更加努力练习。
Their experience offers a salutary lesson to the rest of europe. 他们的经历给欧洲其他地方提供了一个有益的教训。
Beneficial effects of a balanced diet; a good night's sleep; the salutary influence of pure air. 均衡饮食的健身效果;夜晚有益健康的睡眠;纯净空气的健身效果。
Caveat Emptor, buyer beware, is a salutary reminder to any purchaser. “买主各自小心”,这是对任何买主的有益提示。
Some salutary ways to improve networked learning community's capability has been propound from social constructivism angle. 从社会建构主义的角度,详细解释了提高共同体学习的有效学习方式。
Misery plays a vital role in literature: exposing, shocking, and salutary. 苦难在文学领域发挥了巨大作用:披露、爆料和训诫。
Comparisons with the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 are salutary. 与1997-98年的亚洲金融危机做一番比较,将是有益的。
The accident is a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing. 这一事故有益的一面是提醒了我们攀登活动是有许多危险的。
Google has taken a salutary stand following its discovery of attempts to break into Gmail accounts of Chinese dissidents. 在发现有人试图侵入中国异见分子的gmail账户后,谷歌采取了有益的举措。
Even occupy would agree this is no salutary outcome. 就连“占领运动”也会认同这种结果没有好处。
The defeat was a deserved punishment, but also a salutary shock. 这次挫败是应得的惩罚,但也是有益的当头棒喝。
It is salutary to consider that perhaps in future we wilt not have such easy access to coal and petrol. 将来我们也许无法这么容易得到煤和汽油,现在就考虑到这一点有好处。
Dai-yu had a salutary tendency to find lessons to be learned from their conversations. 黛玉倾向于从他们三个人的对话中找到应该汲取的教训,这是个有益的习惯。