N-COUNT 替罪羊;代人受过者 If you say that someone is made a scapegoat for something bad that has happened, you mean that people blame them and may punish them for it although it may not be their fault.
I don't deserve to be made the scapegoat for a couple of bad results. 我不应该为一些不好的结果顶罪。
VERB 使代人受过;把…当替罪羊 To scapegoat someone means to blame them publicly for something bad that has happened, even though it was not their fault.
Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs. 工作机会少常常会怪到少数民族头上。
There is another virtue: scapegoating has so far allowed moderate governments to keep political extremism largely at bay, a remarkable achievement given the deep social changes under way. 这种策略还有一个优点:迄今为止,寻找替罪羊的做法使得那些温和派政府得以在很大程度抵挡住政治极端势力的攻击&考虑到社会正在发生的深刻转变,这实在是个了不起的成就。
The history of financial crises is a good guide to how scapegoating works. 金融危机的历史为我们清晰地指出了这种寻找替罪羊的做法是如何得逞的。
Rather than scapegoating, governments need to convince their citizens that the fundamental restructuring is necessary and will be fruitful. 各国政府不应再寻找替罪羊,而是必须让本国民众相信,根本性的结构调整势在必行且将带来丰厚的回报。
Washington's scapegoating of China could take the world to the brink of a very slippery slope. 华盛顿方面找中国作替罪羊,可能会把世界推向灾难性下滑的边缘。
Thank God, the politicians are beating up on the bankers, he mused, it might stop them scapegoating the Chinese. 他若有所思地说道:感谢上帝,政客们正在抨击银行家。这或许会让他们不再迁怒于中国。
Being an ethical leader means identifying the dynamics of mimetic desire and scapegoating in an organisation and thwarting their negative effects. 身为道德领导者意味着要辨识出一个组织中模仿欲望的动态变化、以及发现寻找替罪羊的现象,并遏制其消极影响。
So instead they are relying more on scapegoating prominent wrongdoers in the hope that this will deter others. 所以,他们转而越加依赖迁怒突出的作恶者,希望借此以儆效尤、威慑其他网络公司。
Wenger's dismissal of the alleged misbehaviour of his players after the final whistle and scapegoating of the referee, Mike riley, made a mockery of his reputation as a manager with added moral dimension. 温格对已方队员赛后粗鲁行为视而不见,还把裁判雷利找来充当替罪羊,这些都给他最具有道德尺度教练的名誉抹黑。