You may be a sceptic and put it down to life's inequalities. 你或许是个怀疑论者,会把它归因于生活的不公正。
He was a born sceptic 他天生多疑。
But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan. 但是他现在得让怀疑者相信他有一个严肃的计划。
I've long been a sceptic of systems that try to couple the identities of non-information resources too closely to computer representations. 在很长一段时间内,我一直质疑尝试将非信息资源实体与计算机表示密切配合使用的系统。
Mr Stoneman, from Bradford, PA, said: 'I'm a sceptic myself, I'm not a believer, but this was not a bear and you can see fur on it. 斯通曼说我自己也是一个怀疑论者,但这真的不是熊,你可以看到它的皮毛。
I went into the study as a sceptic, he added. 他说:我是抱着怀疑的态度进行这项研究的。
US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, a Catholic and climate change sceptic, has said the Church would be better off leaving science to the scientists. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会最好将科学留给科学家处理。
The sceptic may argue that there are no grounds for such optimism. 怀疑者可能争论说这种乐观态度是没有根据的。
Put yourself in the position of sceptic, what can I be sure of? 将你自身置于怀疑论的位置上,你能够确定些什么呢?
The BIS has long been a sceptic about the benefits of ultra-stimulative monetary and fiscal policies and its latest intervention reflects mounting concern that the rebound in capital markets and real estate is built on fragile foundations. 长期以来,国际清算银行一直对超刺激性货币和财政政策的好处持怀疑态度。该行最近的这次介入反映出,它越来越担心资本市场和房地产的反弹是建立在脆弱的基础上。
Perhaps he is a climate sceptic I have no idea. 或许他是一名气候变化怀疑论者我也不清楚。
Derick: People will always be sceptic, but we're trying to minimize issues to move to PHP6 by introducing forwards-compatible features. Derick:虽然大家对此总是怀疑,但是我们会努力减少这些问题,通过引入向前兼容的功能来转移到PHP6。
In doing so, he had thrown doubt on some people's religious beliefs. The government must still convince the sceptic that its policy will work. 他这样做,使人们对某些人的宗教信仰产生怀疑。政府仍须使持怀疑态度的人相信其政策可行。
A die-hard conservative, campaigner, sceptic. 死硬的保守分子、搞运动的人、怀疑论者。
If you can't rely on your faculties then you've got nothing with which to construct any sort of argument against the sceptic. 如果不能依赖感官,你就不能获得任何架构起反对怀疑论的论据。
Inside every China sceptic is a prophet of the New Yellow Peril waiting to be let out. 每个中国怀疑论者都有一个呼之欲出的新黄祸的预言。
China is a proponent of the Doha trade round, India a sceptic; 中国支持多哈贸易回合,而印度对这一回合持怀疑态度;
Sceptic: Shadows cast by objects on the surface point in different directions, which proves there were several light sources – as in a TV studio. 质疑者:每个物体投射出的阴影方向均不同,这说明当时有数个光源&就像电视摄影棚中的情况。
The determined sceptic can never be silenced. 坚决的怀疑分子是誓不罢休的。
A modern Sceptic would point out that the phenomenon merely occurs, and is not either valid or invalid; ①一个近代的怀疑主义者会指出,现象仅仅是出现,它既不有效也不无效;
Sceptic: There was no exhaust flame spurting from beneath the lunar module when it blasted off from the moon. 质疑者:当登月舱从月球表面起飞时,它的下部没有喷出火焰。
Germany has been the leading Western sceptic in toughening economic sanctions on Iran to discourage its alarming uranium-enrichment programme. 在对伊朗实行严厉的经济制裁,迫使其放弃让人不安的铀浓缩计划上,德国一直是对这一行为持怀疑态度的主要西方国家。
She is a sceptic and deeper thinker and likes to judge by intuition. 她的本性多疑,爱沉思,具智慧,喜用直觉判断事物。
Joe Barton, a Republican congressman and global-warming sceptic, says it will put the American economy in a straitjacket. 乔•巴顿,共和党国会议员,全球气候变暖怀疑论者,称这将给美国经济穿上紧身衣。
But what about the country's biggest global warming sceptic? 但是,这个国家对全球变暖的最大怀疑又是什么呢?
Mr Neumark, perhaps the leading sceptic about the minimum wage, has published several papers arguing that employers spend less on training their workers as their labour costs rise; 作为怀疑论阵营领袖的南尤马克先生关于最低工资业已发表了一些论文,其中论述说如果雇佣劳动力费用升高,那么雇主们将会在培训工人上更加吝啬;
Arriving in Egypt, Frederick met the sultan, a fellow sceptic in religious questions. 抵达埃及后,腓特烈拜见了宗教怀疑论者同伴苏丹。
It would be more correct to say that the Sceptic has no doubt of his point, which is the nothingness of all finite existence. 怀疑主义者也有其绝对确信不疑的事情,即相信一切有限事物都是虚妄不实的。
Ah you will see there is a close similarity, there is well externalism has become a very popular way of addressing the sceptic. 你很快便能找到其相似性,形式主义已经成为了,解释怀疑论最为流行的方式。
Perhaps, says the sceptic, this is because women order froufrou drinks? 对此持怀疑态度的人表示,或许这是因为女性点的是较为精致的饮料?