Another classic disrupter is the passive aggressive type& the office scorekeeper. 另一种典型的破坏者是消极反抗的人&他们是办公室的记分员。
The score-supervisor will be seated at the official score table, between the scorekeeper and the timekeeper. 分数监督员将坐于大会设置的分数桌,坐在计分员和计时员中间。
The agency, which is the official scorekeeper for Congress, said it expects the recently passed budget deal and lower interest rates to cut projected budget deficits in half over the next decade. 美国国会的统计机构表示,最近通过的预算分配和低利率,在未来十年内预计将会削减一半的预算赤字。
He wanted to be the referee and not just the scorekeeper. 他想当裁判,而不仅仅是得分手吧。
Shall it be the duty of the scorekeeper to operate the alternating possession arrow? 管理交替拥有箭号方向是记录员的职责吗?