Two closely related scourges played a central role in the collapse of world trade in the1930s: protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluations. 1930年代国际贸易的崩溃和两个因素密切相关:贸易保护主义,以及操纵货币汇率使其相对其于他国家币值更低。
Textile workers suffer from three scourges& noise, dust and humidity. 纱厂工人的三大威胁,就是音响、尘埃和湿气。
Behold the scourges on my shoulders, which carried the weight of your sins. 请看我被鞭打的肩膀,它负荷了你罪恶的重担。
Orwell was describing something that has become one of the world's neglected scourges: the bad diet of the poor. 奥威尔描述的情况已经成为被世界忽视的祸根之一:穷人的不良饮食。
With the force of wind, the lines of raindrops whipped each fragile window pane from the sky like steel scourges trying to tear them into pieces. 那沉重的大雨点借着风势,竟如拧在一起的一条条钢鞭,从天空甩下来抽打每一扇脆弱的窗户,好像要把它们撕裂了一般。
The buds at the culm base of seedlings decreased with aging, and most developed into scourges in the end. 多年苗的秆基芽数目逐年减少,最后秆基芽大多发育成鞭;老鞭基部和梢部两端的芽萌发率高;
Drug producing, drug trafficking, and drug taking are among the most serious scourges in the present world. 制毒、贩毒和吸毒是当今世界最大的公害之一。
In case of fire or other abnormal scourges, tobacco companies will suffer significant economic losses. 此外,烟叶属于易燃物品,一旦发生火灾等异常状况,将对烟草企业造成重大的经济损失。
In this sense, people have more control over their own fates as against the natural scourges and the irrationality of oppressing social systems. 从这个意义上说,相对自然灾害和压迫社会制度的不合理性,人类拥有了对自我命运的更多控制。
In addition, he has been consistently absorbed in contemplating the psychological outlets for the Jewish exiles and the "spiritual orphans" who suffer from the mental scourges continuously. 另外,他始终专注于为被放逐的犹太人和不断遭受精神摧残的精神孤儿寻找心理上的出口。
Our country existing privacy protection measures against the "human flesh search" this great scourges impact already be utterly routed. 我国现有的隐私权保护措施面对人肉搜索这一洪水猛兽的冲击已然溃不成军。