
英 [ˈskriːnɪŋz] 美 [ˈskrinɪŋz]

n.  (电影的)放映; (电视节目的)播放; 筛查


  1. See also: big screen small screen widescreen
  2. N-SING (总称)电影,电视
    You can refer to film or television as the screen .
    1. Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen...
    2. She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen.
  3. VERB 放映(电影);播放(电视节目)
    When a film or a television programme is screened, it is shown in the cinema or broadcast on television.
    1. The series is likely to be screened in January...
      这个系列剧可能在 1 月份播放。
    2. TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo.
  4. N-COUNT 屏风;隔板
    A screen is a vertical panel which can be moved around. It is used to keep cold air away from part of a room, or to create a smaller area within a room.
    1. They put a screen in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on.
  5. VERB 遮挡;遮蔽
    If something is screened by another thing, it is behind it and hidden by it.
    1. Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats.
  6. VERB 检查,筛查(以确定是否患病)
    To screen for a disease means to examine people to make sure that they do not have it.
    1. ...a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay.
  7. VERB 筛选,甄别(看是否可靠)
    When an organization screens people who apply to join it, it investigates them to make sure that they are not likely to cause problems.
    1. They will screen all their candidates.
    2. ...screening procedures for the regiment.
  8. VERB 对(人、行李)进行安全检查
    To screen people or luggage means to check them using special equipment to make sure they are not carrying a weapon or a bomb.
    1. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines.
  9. VERB 转接,甄别(来电以决定是否接听)
    If you screen your telephone calls, calls made to you are connected to an answering machine or are answered by someone else, so that you can choose whether or not to speak to the people phoning you.
    1. I employ a secretary to screen my calls.


  1. The figure does not include the movie` s earnings from IMAX screenings.
  2. With only one more movie to come in the franchise, these will be among the last photocalls and screenings Robert, Kristen, and Taylor do with their many cast mates.
  3. You should include the keywords mentioned in the job posting throughout your resume, this will help you make it past the initial screenings and on to the recruiter or hiring manager.
  4. Regardless of which screenings and tests were administered, studies of annual health exams dating from 1963 to 1999 show that the annual physicals did not reduce mortality overall or for specific causes of death from cancer or heart disease.
  5. Well, that cleared that up. Perhaps wisely, press screenings are exempt from any dress code: scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais 'steps in flip flops and trainers.
  6. [ Chinese film authorities] supported this film, which helped to expand the number of screenings.
  7. The program includes discounted gym memberships, screenings and vaccinations, and affordable healthy food.
  8. The film was released in China on April 11 but was halted one minute after the screenings began for technical reasons, according to the film's distributors.
  9. The mortality rates have been declining, this in part due to earlier screenings, awareness of symptoms, removing polyps and improved treatments through advances in research discoveries.
  10. This is the first large-scale overseas Chinese animation TV media focus on screenings.
  11. I mean, I go to screenings and I take cabs.
  12. Beijing-Starting this year, pregnant women across China will receive free screenings for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B.
  13. You are not consuming a film but a film screening, and film screenings cost the same to produce no matter what is in the projector.
  14. Exhaustive screenings require a major investment in human and material resources.
  15. The program is designed to work in conjunction with educational film screenings, and features new technology: video-clips, online trivia, and blog-based articles.
  16. Many of the film screenings listed below are linked to more information provided by the Internet Movie Database.
  17. If the box office is average, they will drop the number of screenings immediately.
  18. One meeting a week will be mostly taken up by first screenings and a brief discussion afterwards.
  19. Meiselas is part of a delegation of American painters, musicians, actors, filmmakers, chefs and writers that will participate in four days of screenings, panel discussions and exhibitions.
  20. Water providers rarely disclose results of pharmaceutical screenings, unless pressed, the AP found.
  21. Sewage screenings and medical waste can be treated within the standard treatment cycles to produce the cellulose fibre.
  22. Regular screenings can help detect many cancers in the earliest stages, when they can be treated successfully.
  23. Every Sunday you will have two screenings of films from the most renowned worldwide experimental filmmakers.
  24. Beginning next year, seniors will have new coverage for preventive screenings against diabetes and heart disease, and seniors just entering Medicare can receive wellness exams.
  25. There's growing evidence that cancer screenings aren't always helpful& and can sometimes be harmful.
  26. The screenings at Zhongwen Hall, Sun Yat-sen University are free of admission.
  27. Without those screenings, women are less likely to catch breast cancer at a more treatable stage.
  28. It also will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project.
  29. Even after Nichols persuaded him to take the role, the responses at early screenings were poor.
  30. The white rooms act as neutral backdrop so different activities such as presentations, exhibitions, film screenings can become the focus.