He took my name and address, scribbling it down in his notebook. 他要了我的姓名和地址,匆匆写在他的笔记本上。
Mental institutions and electroshock therapy failed to cure him, and for much of the next three decades, Nash wandered freely on the Princeton campus, scribbling idly on empty blackboards and staring blankly ahead in the library. 精神病院、电击疗法都没能治愈纳什。在随后的三十年间,他游荡在普林斯顿的校园里,或在空黑板上涂鸦,或在图书馆中发呆。
I was about six, and I haven't stopped scribbling since. 那时我大约六岁,从此我就没停止过涂鸦。
With early marking and scribbling, she is showing an internal desire to communicate, joy in expressing ideas, and the urge to make meaning. 早期的涂涂画画表示她内心有交流的欲望,很乐意表达想法,也很迫切的想要做点有意义的事情。
Early scribbling is one precursor to early writing which can lead to reading. Some children write first and learn to read by exploring writing. 早期涂鸦是早期写作的前兆,宝宝们也可以阅读了,许多孩子都是先开始写再通过探索来学习阅读的。
I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work. 我花了一个午夜描画出细节,并确信那是可以做得到的。
We are three debates into 2012's election season, and by now we are familiar with the furrowed brows, emphatic pointing, and frantic scribbling of notes that go along with such events. 我们有2012年的大选季的三场辩论,目前为止我们熟悉与这起事件一起的那些紧皱的眉头、有力的指向以及疯狂涂鸦的笔记。
Buck Mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling, laughing: and then gravely said, honeying malice. 穆利根,这时边笑边站起来,然后笑里藏刀,一本正经地说。
But every time the tempter did pop into mind while scribbling, the students had to tick a box. 但是如果写作的时候每当这种诱惑进入脑海,学生就要打上一次勾。
Archer was angry: so angry that he came near scribbling a word on his card and going away. 阿切尔十分气恼,险些在自己的名片上写几个字,留下名片就走。
There was something romantic about the poorly educated inmate, scribbling with a pencil a legal petition that brought to the Supreme Court a question of basic fairness in American law. 这个未受过多少教育的囚犯,用铅笔书写的一份法律请愿书,把美国法律中基本的公平问题摆在了最高法院面前,这似乎颇有些浪漫意味。
Here's someone scribbling something on the wall once again. 这里是某人又一次在墙上涂鸦呢。
Illegible handwriting or aimless scribbling. 难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。
You have imagined, probably, a huge underworld of conspirators, meeting secretly in cellars, scribbling messages on walls, recognizing one another by codewords or by special movements of the hand. 你们大概想象它是一个庞大的密谋分子地下网,在地下室里秘密开会,在墙上刷标语,用暗号或手部的特殊动作互相打招呼。
He wiped the scribbling off the blackboard. 他把黑板上乱涂乱划的东西擦掉了。
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead. 在天空写下他死去的消息。
"Yes sir," dalleson busied himself scribbling notes on a little pad. “是,首长。”达尔生忙不迭地在一个小本子里记下来。
Steve McQueen: Yes! She's firstly sort of scribbling with her crayons as we speak. She's doing a vaseline painting! 有的,她开始在我们谈话时用她的蜡笔胡乱涂鸦。她在制作凡士林画。
No scribbling is allowed on the wall. 不许在墙上乱涂乱画!
No scribbling on the wall 不要在墙上乱涂乱写
"What is that?" her question as her tried to do away the scribbling. “你写了什么?”她一边试图读懂他潦草的字体一边问。
A child scribbling all over a book. 在本子上到处乱画的孩子。
"The future" or not, it's getting a bit silly for GUI application developers to perpetually be one bad pointer dereference away from scribbling all over their application's memory. 不管「未来」到达与否,开发者为了一个损坏的指针不断的遍历内存,多少是有些愚蠢的事情了。
He went back to scribbling in his notebook. 他又开始在他的记事本上潦草地记录。
As soon as he left, I started scribbling an idea in my diary. It was for a garden I would create in the grounds of my home back in England Lullingstone castle. 他一离开,我就开始在日记里匆忙写下我的想法,设计如何在我家lullingstonecastle的庭院里建一座花园。
She was scribbling a letter to her mother. 她正在草草地给她妈写信。
With a pen, you can shade by hatching ( making parallel lines), cross-hatching ( parallel lines crossing over parallel lines), scribbling, stippling, or making other funky little marks. 用钢笔的话你可以通过排线来制造明暗(画平行线),交叉排线(平行线相交),涂鸦,点绘或者其他时髦的笔触。
So I'll now put these slides online, certainly if you are scribbling things down. 当然如果你们需要,我会将这些幻灯片共享。
That's where I was just before CEO, he says, drawing a triangle and scribbling a line just below the apex. 这是我就任CEO前所处的位置,他一边说,一边画了一个三角形,并在顶点正下方草草画了一条线。
So drawing, scribbling and playing with crayons and pencils are an important part of learning to hand write. 所以画画、涂鸦和摆弄蜡笔与铅笔是学习写字的重要部分。