Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence. 支持和反对独立的两支游行队伍间爆发了激烈的冲突。
There were scuffles when UDF hecklers began to shout down the speakers. 来自联合民主阵线的诘问者开始对演讲者大声起哄时,引发了多次冲突。
Why could he not have a woman of his own instead of these filthy scuffles at intervals of years? 干吗他没法有个自己的女人,只能隔三差五搞搞这种破烂货?
In recent weeks scuffles have broken out between Hong Kong residents and day-tripping mainland traders who buy goods in the city to sell over the border. 近几周,香港市民和利用赴港一日游,在香港购买商品带回内地售卖的内地商人爆发了多起冲突。
There were reports of scuffles with Gazans who still wanted to cross into Egypt, but most reports said the situation remained fairly calm. 据报导,哈马斯激进分子在同那些试图进入埃及的加沙人发生冲突,但是大多数的报导说,局势仍然比较稳定。
Scuffles between them have been going on. 他们之间的争斗一直在进行。
Scuffles broke out and police fired stun grenades to disperse the protests. 后来发生混战,警方还使用了眩晕手***驱散抗议人群。
Scuffles broke out and police beat back onlookers and those trying to reach the building to keep the way open for emergency vehicles. 扭打起疹子和击退旁观者的警察和那些努力到达那些大楼适合紧急救援车保持方式开。
There were one or two minor scuffles on the terraces but in the main the match was played without any major crowd problems. 除了在看台上有些小混乱外,基本上没出多大的拥挤问题。
In the match's closing minutes, scuffles broke out among the Brazilian and Ivorian players. 比赛最后几分钟,双方展开混战。
Scuffles between torch bearers and protesters in cities including London and Paris have forced host nations to mount tight security operations to protect the torch on its journey. 在伦敦和巴黎等城市,火炬手和抗议者之间的混战促使(火炬传递)举办国施行严密的安全措施,以保护旅途中的圣火。
At the eighteenth emperor's reign, the ethnics from the north invaded the land, hence scuffles between the north and the south. 宋朝相传了十八个皇帝之后,北方的少数民族南下侵扰,结果又成了南北混战的局面。
Scuffles broke out and during one incident, one of the HIV-infected patients drew his own blood with a syringe and attacked a policeman with it. 混战爆发了,在冲突中,一个感染艾滋病的患者用注射器抽取自己的血液,并用它攻击了一位警察。
President Chen did his best to put a positive spin on the scuffles at the National Day ceremony. 国庆典礼变闹剧,让外宾大开眼界,陈总统轻松带过。
That incident, during which the US says Chinese ships came dangerously close to the US vessel and threw debris in its way, came after similar scuffles last week, the White House said. 白宫方面表示,中方船只以危险的方式靠近美国船只,在其航线上抛掷弃物,此前上周就发生过几次类似事件。
HP needs to get beyond boardroom scuffles and define itself in the modern software world. 惠普应该摆脱董事会纷争,并在现代软件行业中找到自己的定位。
When news reached the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, scuffles broke out between government and opposition. 当消息传到众议院,引起了政府和反对派之间的混战。
Over the previous few weeks, flight delays had led to scuffles, police deployments and, on two occasions, passengers storming the runway in protest. 前几周,航班延误曾引发冲突,还动用了警力,有两次甚至出现了抗议旅客冲入飞机跑道的情况。