
英 [ˌself pəˈzeʃn] 美 [ˌself pəˈzeʃn]

n.  沉着;镇静;泰然自若


  1. N-UNCOUNT 沉着;镇静;泰然自若
    Self-possession is the quality of being self-possessed.
    1. She found her customary self-possession had deserted her.


  1. She found her customary self-possession had deserted her.
  2. Or chanting when under duress, Im not a loser. Yet when she isnt mooning or abasing herself to win the attention of a handsome fellow intern, she shows off a preternatural self-possession, the girl with all the answers.
  3. "What seems to be the matter?" inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster.
  4. Because of his small size and fair good looks ( and maybe also because of that very quality of self-possession I had admired), the sisters were after Andy from the day he walked in.
  5. I am healthy, young-looking with the good nature of and self-possession of man.
  6. The usually serene Albert had entirely lost his self-possession.
  7. Hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm; an imperturbable self-possession; unflappable in a crisis.
  8. "In life courtesy and self-possession, and in the arts style, are the sensible impressions of the free mind, for both arise out of a deliberate shaping of all things"( William Butler Yeats).
  9. Feeling that Nekhludoff wanted to lead her out into another world, she resisted him, foreseeing that she would have to lose her place in life, with the self-possession and self-respect it gave her.
  10. Phillip admired Tom's arrogance and self-possession.
  11. Something in the precision of her walk, in her air of self-possession, reminded me of my daughter Zoe.
  12. "Courage: the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery."
  13. We felt a little constraint with the new teacher for the first day or so. Her self-possession pleased him inspired him, set him curiously free.
  14. Attached? Sustain patience, serenity, and your self-possession.
  15. And we must make mutually beneficial cooperation a part and parcel of economic globalization and trade liberalization so as to ensure their sound development. I am healthy, young-looking with the good nature of and self-possession of man.
  16. He looked surprised but soon recovered his self-possession.
  17. She was standing by him at her full height, in quiet majestic self-possession.
  18. She most likely has experience in law enforcement or the military, though she may simply be a self-defense advocate or a dedicated hobbyist with uncommon self-possession.
  19. A study of self-possession of coaches in the 21st century& Enlightenment after reading Yuan Weiming's The Way of My Coaching
  20. A Probe into the Causes of College Students 'Lack of Moral Self-possession and Its Solutions
  21. Public Practice and Man's Self-improvement and the Significant Structure of Self-possession& Individual Activities and the Ideality of Marxist Community
  22. In order to realize this process, we must strengthen outer controlling of morality, cultivate the mechanism of acceptance of individuals 'morals and strengthen subjects' moral self-possession.
  23. Its principle clinical symptom is progressive loss of memory ability and cognitive impairment, personality change and cortex abruption, loss of self-possession and perceptivity, and in advanced stage, memory, linguistic and behavior capacities of patient will completely lossed.
  24. Of course, in 1990s, in its seeming decline, there was still an implied intention for reportage literature to adjust itself, which is called "the entry into quiet self-possession" by some writers.



  1. the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior

      Synonym:    self-controlpossessionwillpowerwill powerself-commandself-will