
英 [send]

vt. 打发, 派遣, 差遣, 派…前去(请人等):;使前往;使进入(to ):
vi. 派遣;发出, 派人:;【电子学】发信号
a. [仅用作定语]用于发送的
scend 的过去式, 过去分词


  1. We need the sample machine sended to Germany, CIF Hamburg harbour. Are you able to do this?
  2. Unstable vortex signal sended from triangle pole in gas-liquid two-phase cross flow using neural network
  3. The Arabia sended messenger to China with their national medicinal materials, and China presented some return goods including rare medicinal materials of that time.
  4. For simplifying the design, the system is grouped into central processing element, information collect element, signal sended element, communication element, auxiliary element and TMR structure.
  5. The single chip adjust the speed of sprayer though send the pulse to PWM depend on fogdrop grade sended by image processing system.
  6. After connected to the gateway via LAN from PC, data can be received from CAN bus and sended to some nodes of CAN bus network.
  7. The system test the image sended, and finally show the results to the operator for reference on the monitor. The component library is an important part of the component defect detection system after furnace.
  8. WTP Module realizes Wireless Transaction Protocol in the WAP protocol repertory. It deals with the requirement sended from mobile phone through mobile network.
  9. Command sequence similarity detection computes similarity of commands sended by IRC host in the same channel to check if the channel is malicious.