This orchard is sentient, like others, in the month of May. 这果园,和其他的果园一样,易受五月风光的感染。
You have to think of them also as one of the sentient beings in Samsara. 您必需把他们也想成是轮回中的众生之一。
It is when all sentient beings have the feeling of compassion which is like that of a mothers. 那就是当众生拥有一种慈悲的感觉,那是母亲才会有的情感。
The planet's other sentient races no longer desired the dilapidated and dangerous machinery and goblin commerce suffered significantly. 这个星球上的其他智慧种族不再想要那些破烂而危险的机器,地精在商业上遭受了重大损失。
May all children grow up having a pure mind and being compassionate to all sentient beings. 祈愿所有的孩子都能身心清净地成长,并且慈眼看待一切众生。
Like a sentient creature, a program must manipulate its world and make choices during execution. 就象任何有感知的生物一样,程序必须能操纵自己的世界,在执行过程中作出判断与选择。
Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings. 弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。
Why are all sentient beings equal before god? 何以在上帝面前,众生皆是平等的?
Make great vows, to benefit all sentient beings. 发愿必须发利益众生的大愿。
The Year of the Eagle represents a return of wisdom to the earth and all sentient species upon her. 雕之年象征着地球及地球上所有意识物种之智慧的返回。
This means that your capabilities as a sentient Being have been greatly curtailed. 这意味着你的知觉存在能力被大大缩减。
Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA to have representation of their coding upon this planet. 许多意识文明将他们的DNA的编码表达为这个行星上的。
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 每个宇宙中的生物都有选择自由的权力。
The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage-T.E.Lawrence. 活着的人们知道他们自己不过是上帝的舞台上有知觉的玩偶而已&t·e·劳伦斯。
Serenity of spirit and love for all sentient creation are enjoined by the Buddha. 宁静而平和的心境及对一切有情众生的悲愍和博爱是佛陀所倡导的。
The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings. 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物;
If we really want to help every single sentient being then we can't just use or two methods. 如果我们希望帮助每一位众生,就不能只使用一、两种方法。
The focus of all sentient species upon earth is slavery and dominion based karma in the year of2003 ahead. 在前方的2003年,地球上所有有意识物种的焦点是奴役和支配的业力。
Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of the suffering sea, responds to sentient beings and removes their fear. 观世音菩萨寻声救苦,布施无畏,是茫茫苦海中的义工。
May all merit benefit all sentient beings without partiality! 愿所有功德无偏利益一切有情!
Empty space, to him, is as absurd as happiness without a sentient being who is happy. 空虚的空间对于他说来,正象是说幸福而可以没有一个幸福的感受者是同样地荒谬。
This is a part of our work as a sentient species of the coastlines that we reside upon. 这是我们作为我们所住海岸边上的一个有感知物种,所工作的一部分。
We cannot blame sentient beings, because their ordinary minds think differently and their concepts cannot be changed immediately. 我们不能怪众生,他们平常的想法都不一样,不能一刹那就改变。
All sentient beings have the ability to realize and actualize the Dharma, a completely pure state of being. 所有众生皆可证入法,那样的境界是完全清净的。
Hence helping sentient beings is not difficult, but helping our own self is. 所以,要帮助众生不难,先帮助自己才难。
The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior. 心智,意识感觉器官指挥和影响心理或生理行为的有意识和无意识的全过程。
Merciful master, your timely, loving words always bring comfort to the souls of numerous sentient beings. 慈悲的师父啊,您适时的爱语,抚慰了无数众生的心灵!
Divine Intelligence and sentient consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. 神圣智慧和感知意识远在你们地球形成以前就存在了。
Sentient of the intolerable load; a boy so sentient of his surroundings-W.A.White. 意识到了这个无法忍受的负担;对周围环境感觉非常敏锐的男孩&W·A·怀特。
May all share this thankful feeling and express it in one's attitude toward other sentient beings! 愿大家分享此感恩之情并将之表达于对其他有情的态度上!