
英 [ˈsiːkwəlz] 美 [ˈsikwəlz]

n.  (书、电影、戏剧等的)续篇,续集; 后续的事; 随之而来的事; 结果


  1. N-COUNT (书或电影的)续篇,续集
    A book or film which is a sequel to an earlier one continues the story of the earlier one.
    1. She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca'...
    2. Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to 'The Thorn Birds'.
  2. N-COUNT 后续的事;随之而来的事;结果;余波
    The sequel to something that has happened is an event or situation that happens after it or as a result of it.
    1. The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday's nationwide strike...
    2. The arrests were a 'direct sequel' to investigations.


  1. Secondly, most developers are launching games that are either sequels or appeal to a smaller subset of the market.
  2. Because it costs so much to develop games for today's technically advanced consoles, videogame companies often stick to sequels of popular games or surefire hits along familiar themes.
  3. However, as none of the sequels really lived up to the magic of the original, this is probably the right time for Shrek to say goodbye.
  4. Forget sequels, remakes and superhero movies.
  5. 71% of Americans say that they have seen the original and at least a third of the public have seen the earlier two sequels, The Lost World ( 43%) and Jurassic Park III ( 36%).
  6. James Cameron and 20th Century Fox have set Sigourney Weaver to return in the director's three Avatar sequels in a different role. The filmmaker begins production later this year.
  7. The deal does not include any more secret agent sequels.
  8. Depp also teased that he would be happy to sign on for another four sequels right now.
  9. The sequels revisit them at nine-year intervals through separation, reunion and children.
  10. If the film succeeds at the box office, expect sequels.
  11. 'There's no question the investment paid off not only on the international box office for this movie, but we will continue to [ with future sequels],' said Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore.
  12. Franchise sequels typically perform better than the original movie, in part because new audiences can discover the film in the years between releases.
  13. Along with the usual sequels, Hollywood is about to bombard cinemas with new old fairy-tales-starting with Red Riding Hood.
  14. Low-budget movies and their sequels which used to look cheesy are now more realistic& and profitable.
  15. He then played in the twilight sequels and other films. But one thing is certain, he can never go back to ordinary life again, for his fans are all over the world and we all seem to love him very much!
  16. Audible commissioned sequels for several of the most popular works.
  17. The novel's success gave rise to a number of sequels.
  18. He went on to reprise his role as a cop in both Die Hard sequels.
  19. Even though Austen ended all her books with a definitive full stop, dozens of imitators have added sequels and prequels, new endings and new beginnings.
  20. Some movie sequels are considered better than their originals.
  21. They can then create sequels which they act out in class.
  22. "Harry Potter" has lots of sequels.
  23. If the film continues to be a success then I suppose sequels will follow.
  24. Many games are just sequels, expansions, or improvements on a previously successful game.
  25. She was even offered the role of Seraph in the two sequels to The Matrix, but she could not accept due to a scheduling conflict.
  26. There are sequels to Treasure Island, Kim, and even Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
  27. Like blue, that a woman, if have tolerated him have sequels, for I am persuaded that story, she will be happy.
  28. Both the film and its sequels have it all: superb scripts, cast and music.
  29. Steven: I don't think it is worth watching, because Matrix I is such a hit and sequels never seem to surpass original ones.
  30. But like most sequels, Bretton Woods II is not going to be nearly as good as the original.