v. 结束(争论、争端等); 解决(分歧、纠纷等); (最终)决定,确定,安排好; 定居 n. 高背长椅(老式木家具,有扶手,座下多带柜) settle的第三人称单数和复数
VERB 解决,结束(争端、纠纷) If people settle an argument or problem, or if something settles it, they solve it, for example by making a decision about who is right or about what to do.
They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation... 他们同意通过谈判来努力解决纠纷。
Both sides are looking for ways to settle their differences... 双方都在寻求消除分歧的方法。
Tomorrow's vote is unlikely to settle the question of who will replace their leader. 明天的投票不太可能确定将由谁取代他们的领袖。
VERB 庭外和解 If people settle a legal dispute or if they settle, they agree to end the dispute without going to a court of law, for example by paying some money or by apologizing.
In an attempt to settle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution... 为了争取庭外和解,莫尔肯同意赔款。
She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court... 如果她同意庭外和解的话,得到的肯定会更多。
His company settled with the American authorities by paying a $200 million fine. 他的公司和美国当局达成了和解,同意支付 2 亿美元的罚款。
VERB 付清(欠款);结算(账单);结(账) If you settle a bill or debt, you pay the amount that you owe.
I settled the bill for my coffee and his two glasses of wine... 我为我的咖啡和他的两杯葡萄酒付了账。
They settled with Colin at the end of the evening. 晚上聚会结束的时候他们和科林结清了账。
VERB 决定;确定;安排好 If something is settled, it has all been decided and arranged.
As far as we're concerned, the matter is settled... 我们这边已经安排妥当了。
One ( as a judge) who examines and settles a case. 一个调查和解决案例的法官。
The DSB settles the disputes between members by means of adopting the report of the Panel or Appellate Body. 它的核心是争端解决机构(简称DSB)以采纳专家组或上诉机构报告的方式来解决成员方之间的相关争议。
Kind of settles your problems, doesn't it? 也算解决了你的问题,不是吗?
Equivalent Force Control Method ( EFCM) settles the problem with the help of control theories and methods. 等效力控制方法利用控制理论和方法解决了该问题。
Big Chris settles debts for harry. 大克里斯替哈利解决债务问题。
Don't talk to him until his excitement settles. 不要跟他讲话,等他平静了再说吧。
A reasonable naturalist then settles down to this life with a sort of animal satisfaction. 一个合理的自然主义者于是便带着一种兽性的满足,在世界上生活下去了。
It settles differences without any external force by appealing to our common rational nature. 它通过诉诸我们共同的理性特点,而不是利用任何外部力量来解决分歧。
The book title settles early like, name be 《 you good 》. 书名早就定好了,名字就是《你好哇》。
The return of the sailor who was supposed to be drowned settles the question. 该水手的归来,推翻了他已溺死的传说。
He is now married and settles down. 他现已结婚安顿下来了。
The decision settles a squabble of long standing. 这项决定解决了长期的争吵。
So that settles the question am I a harsh grader or not. 所以这就解决了我是否对评级严苛的问题。
"Jam," mutters Mr Alange and he settles in for a choking three-hour wait. 结果是他等待了令人窒息的三个小时。
The sediment which settles down in the purifying process is used as fertilizer. 净化过程中沉淀下来的沉积物可以用作肥料。
As we putter along between the buildings, depression settles on us. 当我们闲荡在楼群中,一种压抑感笼罩着我们。
War settles external conflicts; 对外的冲突,则由战争来解决;
The report reaches some new conclusions, settles some controversies, and ends some long debates. 报告得出一些新的结论,平息了一些争议,并终结了一些长期辨论。