
英 [sɪˈvɛrɪtiz] 美 [sɪˈvɛrɪtiz]

n.  严重; 严厉; 严肃; 苛刻


  1. Some of the tables in the list contain information about the various types, states, categories, severities, and priorities to which work items can be assigned.
  2. For example, the priorities and severities of work items are stored in the ENUMERATIONS table.
  3. Classification of environmental parameters and their severities for machinery products
  4. The severities of the trauma to the hip and the impact of the intracapsular hematoma also play a role, the importance of which remains poorly understood.
  5. Results applied to all baseline severities of acne ( from mild to severe).
  6. Users can subscribe to feeds for particular alarm severities and/ or affected applications.
  7. Objective To study the diagnostic value of achilles tendon injury ( ATJ) and the diagnostic standards for different severities of the injury by MRI.
  8. Simulation results show that the quadratic surface method has a fixed error direction and better precision with most fixed errors being less than 10%. Therefore, the system fault severities can be ranked.
  9. In recent years the Structure Health Monitoring ( SHM) has become one of the hottest topics both in engineering world and academic world. The major research work has been done in the identifications, locations and severities of structure damage.
  10. The severities of 26 patients with psoriasis vulgaris ( PV) were assessed using the PASI scoring system and the severities of psoriatic lesions.
  11. Conclusion The detection of RyR antibody has better sensitivity and speciality in examining the MGT patients, and the levels of that antibody have positive correlation with the severities of MG patients.
  12. Quantities as well as severities of traffic accidents can all be used to evaluate the traffic safety level.
  13. The relationship between PTSD and severities of injury;
  14. The one-step and four-step forecastings of the motor vibration severities time serial are made based on the models, and the forecasting results are compared with those using AR model.
  15. The severities of oral pain and weight losses were observed and compared between the 2 groups at the therapy dose of 20,40, and 60 Gy.
  16. Zung's self-evaluating anxiety scale ( SAS), and self-evaluating depression scale ( SDS) were used for quantitative evaluation and comparison of severities of emotional disorders, and TCM syndrome type differentiation was carried out.
  17. By using state-space to describe the process of no-life claims and Kalman filter to estimate the conversion parameters of state-space, this article forecasts the severities and frequencies of claims respectively and then gets the reserves of the outstanding claims.
  18. Using TCD combined with breath-holding test to detect the BHI contributes to predict the severities of LA.
  19. The prognosis of bacterial meningitis is closely related to the severities of cerebral edema.
  20. Regression analysis implied that impairment of BHI was significantly related to the severities of LA, increased age and elevated mean systolic blood pressure ( P0.01).
  21. The severities, multiformity, complexity day by day of competition are essential power to promote the development of enterprise.