
网络  幕府; 幕府将军; 幕府时代; 将军政治; 日本幕府


  1. The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in1867.
  2. Verification of Japan's thought of aggression against China in the eras of Shogunate and Meiji It was initiated by Zhang Mingshan in late Qing Dynasty.
  3. Examine the importance of the rise of Satsuma and Choshu relative to other factors in leading to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
  4. This system was improved by the HJ family, which took control of the shogunate on yoritomo's death.
  5. The day he took office, he likened his cabinet to a ragtag militia that helped overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate at the start of the Meiji era in the late19th century.
  6. In the Meiji Restoration of 1868, it overhauled its semi-feudal shogunate, replacing it with a parliamentary system.
  7. Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain.
  8. The large-scale entry occurred during the late Song and the early Yuan period& the Kamakura Shogunate, which was closely related to the establishment of Kanazawa library's foundation.
  9. Account for the growing strength of Satsuma and Choshu, and explain how these two hans contributed to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. ( 2001)
  10. Although the Tokugawa are an ancient family, claiming descent from Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, they have known hard times since those glorious days.
  11. On the one hand, it succeeds some old institutions in Shogunate period;
  12. Because of the practicability of modem science, the Shogunate had to give a part of special room for studying it.
  13. They destroyed the Mughal empire in India, the shogunate in Japan and, indirectly, the last imperial dynasty of China.
  14. Further Exploration on Banning Christianism and Sakoku System in the Age of Eto Shogunate
  15. 1868 – Meiji Restoration in Japan: The Tokugawa shogunate is abolished.
  16. To think the policy of banning western books by Tokugawa shogunate a key link in sakoku system for resisting the western culture is getting it wrong.
  17. Sankin kotai, a system whereby daimyo alternated residency between Edo and their domain, also helped the shogunate keep control of the daimyo.
  18. Verification of Japan's thought of aggression against China in the eras of Shogunate and Meiji
  19. Shogunate relied on and stuck to the militarism, and offered the political stage and the social space for militarism, and had the militarism to be Japanese tradition, and established stabile and wide basis for modern militarism.
  20. Zhu Xi's philosophy promptly boomed during the Edo shogunate period in Japan from original a kind of improvement manner changing into ethical moral culture, which had profound social background.
  21. To achieve that goal, Tokugawa shogunate was prepared to accept title-conferring from the emperor of China and rejoin in the title-conferring and tribute-paying system with China as its center.
  22. Under the social estate system, the personal status, profession, morality and social order were very closely related to the quick development of culture and economy during the Tokugawa Shogunate reign in more than 260 years.
  23. On Shogunate System In Late Qing Dynasty
  24. First introduced the structure of power within the shogunate, including the organization of the shogunate, and the curtain fan screen fan system under the system of rural and urban.
  25. There are two main conflicts in foreign relations in the early Tokugawa shogunate era. The first conflict is that how to deal with the problem of Western Catholicism force. The second one is the relationship with the Korean Yi Dynasty.
  26. Since the end of the tokugawa shogunate edo, the "seclusion system" was broken, some insight Japanese began to pay close attention to the Overseas world, and often had someone who traveled overseas and wrote down the records about the foreign experience.
  27. During Liu Song and Eastern Jin Dynasty, as a specific political formation and power, shogunate existed in social and especially political life and deeply influenced changes of political formation.
  28. From the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate to the early Meiji era, Japan, which was under the severe external pressure, had to start the modernization process by force. How to advance the modernization programme became the central issue of national development.
  29. Huan Xuan Shogunate, forming and rising in Jinzhou, broke the political structure of "the common domination by gentry clans and imperial power" and became political instrument of overthrowing the regime of Eastern Jin Dynasty.



  1. a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

      Synonym:    dictatorshipabsolutismauthoritarianismCaesarismdespotismmonocracyone-man ruleStalinismtotalitarianismtyranny