
英 [ˌʃɔːt ˈsɜːkɪts] 美 [ˌʃɔːrt ˈsɜːrkɪts]

v.  (使)短路; (做事)抄近路,走捷径


  1. V-ERG (使)短路
    If an electrical device short-circuits or if someone or something short-circuits it, a wrong connection or damaged wire causes electricity to travel along the wrong route and damage the device.
    1. Carbon dust and oil build up in large motors and cause them to short-circuit...
    2. Once inside they short-circuited the electronic security.
    3. Short-circuit is also a noun.
    4. The fire was started by an electrical short-circuit.
  2. VERB 回避,绕过(某一流程或程序)
    If someone or something short-circuits a process or system, they avoid long or difficult parts of it and use a quicker, more direct method to achieve their aim.
    1. The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.


  1. In the sampled DNA, the researchers looked for evidence of a harmful molecular change that short-circuits the function of two genes normally effective at halting tumor growth.
  2. Current Calculations of External Short-Circuits Fault of New Converter Transformer
  3. Avoid short-circuits which may cause damage to the rectifier.
  4. It kind of short-circuits the pain.
  5. Model-dependent realism short-circuits all this argument and discussion between the realist and anti-realist schools of thought.
  6. The output has from restores the type short circuit protection function, after short-circuits relieves the electric circuit to be able the rehabilitation.
  7. Such faults either simply cease at some stage or develop into lasting short-circuits.
  8. The sudden wave of feeling and the appeal to a powerful, almost spiritual, event short-circuits the task of building a friendship that can deepen into something more electrifying.
  9. The crosswise motion of the conductor of an isolated-phase enclosed bus during short-circuits causes eddy currents in the aluminium enclosure, which react with the conductor current and produce an electromagnetic force on the conductor.
  10. The short-circuits current in loop power network of ship is calculated by equivalently treating the generator. The loop power network is divided into the generator network and engine network to perform the equivalent treatment. A typical example is emulated by the Matlab software.
  11. Analysis shows that a negative reactance has the contrary characteristic to a positive reactance when the auxiliary power system is in a normal or short-circuits state.
  12. As is well known, during short-circuits not only the conductor of an enclosed bus but also the aluminum enclosure is subjected to an E-M force.
  13. Feeder fault locator will carry out the automatic fault diagnosis and precise fault loca-ting after different short-circuits faults have occurred in electrified railway feeder.
  14. Comparison of Two Methods for Locating Turn Short-Circuits in Generator Rotor
  15. With the aid of this system, such defects as black spots, pinholes, scratches, loss of circuits, short-circuits or disconnections, etc, can easily be located, and defects as small as a minimum of 2 μ m linearity can also be detected.
  16. This part of research is composed of establishing the most short-circuits the question model and using Dijkstra to optimize supply chain solution.
  17. This paper describes a design method of microstrip elements with wide-band short-circuits, and their applications in the bias circuits.
  18. Next, through short-circuits the computation, refers to the factory locus the meteorological condition and other pertinent datas, then may determine the transformer substation the position, the wire model and each kind of electrical equipment.
  19. This paper focuses on load flow and short-circuits current calculation for distribution systems containing DGs.
  20. In the process of short-circuit current measurement; the followed voltage 0V was set. By the role of voltage follower, so that the solar cells at both ends can be followed the voltage to 0V, in order to achieve the accurate measurement of short-circuits current.